Page 70 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 70

7   reading • Being kind                                                  7   language focus • Reported speech
            Reading • Being kind                         I can scan a text to locate information.                                  I can report what people said.
                                                        THINK!  When did someone last do something kind for you? What was it?   1  Complete each sentence with one word   4  Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.
             Aim                                                                                                                  from the article on page 72.      1  He said that it isn’t a good idea.
                                                                                                                                  1  The doctors told him that he
             Scan a text to locate information.    Changing the world with kindness                                                 walk or play the guitar.        2  They didn’t tell me that they will visit
                                                                                                                                                                     Hạ Long Bay.
                                                   Sometimes a spontaneous act of kindness can change another person’s life. Read about these   2  Daniel told the boy’s family that he   3  The dentist told that his tooth needed
                                                   incredible people and their actions that helped to make the world a better place for someone else.    donate all his money to the   filling.
            THINK!                                 in Britain                                           in Việt nam                 boy’s surgery.                  4  Liên said that she may be absent from the
            Read out the questions and elicit a few                                       In March 2020, Hoàng Tuấn Anh, a Vietnamese   3  The police said that he    to   meeting.
                                                                                          entrepreneur in Hồ Chí Minh City invented a 24/7
            answers from individual students. Ask                                         automatic dispensing machine providing free rice   return a bag with $42,000 in it to the   5    use IT!  Work in pairs. Look at the
            more questions to encourage them to say                                       for the poor during the CoVID-19 lockdown.   4  The team said that people in need still   photos. Take turns to report what your
                                                                                          The machine distributed a 1.5 kg (3.3lb) bagful of
            more, e.g. Who was the person who helped                                      rice from a small silo. The team said that people in    access to food and resources.  mother said to you in these photos.
            you? Did you know them? Why do you think                                      need still had access to food and resources during                      My mother said that I needed to do the cleaning.
                                                                                          the pandemic.
            they helped you? Ask: Do you ever do things                                                                         2  Choose the correct options to complete the
            to help other people? What do you do? What                     in the Us                                                                                 My mother told me that my room was very messy.
            other things could you do?                                     Glen James, an unemployed and homeless                Rules
                                                                           office worker, did something both honest
                                                    Life can’t be easy for musician Daniel Black.   and kind. The police said that he decided to   1  We use indirect speech (reported speech)
             ANswers                                After a cycling accident in 2009, the doctors   return a bag with $42,000 in it to the owner.   to report the meaning of what is / was said.
            Students’ own answers.                  told him that he couldn’t walk or play   A man called Ethan Whittington read about   We put indirect speech in a noun clause
                                                                           Glen and started a campaign to collect
                                                    the guitar. He had saved £22,000 for his
                                                                                                                                  beginning with that / this.
                                                    intended expensive surgery when he   money for him. Ethan said that an amazing
            exercise 1                              heard about a young boy who also needed   $160,000 was raised and Glen’s life hasn’t   2  After a reporting verb in the past simple,
                                                    surgery to allow him to walk. Daniel told   been the same since.              we usually change present modals to past
            Read the study strategy with the class.   the boy’s family that he would donate all   These stories may persuade you that when you spread a little kindness,   modals, and present tenses to past tenses /
            Read out the task and elicit that when we   his money to the boy’s surgery. The little   there may not be a personal benefit, but you could encourage people to   future tenses.
                                                    boy was then able to walk again.
            scan a text, we don’t read every word, but                      be kind to you, too.
            move our eyes over it quickly, looking for                                                                          3  Study the rules, then complete the following
            specific information. If students are not   1  Read the Study Strategy below. Then scan   2.22   Read and listen to the article again.
            familiar with the idea of scanning, explain   the online article above to find out what jobs    3   Write true or false. Correct the false sentences.  1  'You have to rest for 3 months.'    to
                                                                                                                                     The doctors told me that I
            that it is the same technique that we use   Daniel Black, Hoàng Tuấn Anh and Glen James had.  1  The writer doesn’t believe that there are   rest for 3 months.
            when looking for our own name in a list   STUdY STRATEgY                      advantages to being kind.               2  'Honey can prevent the growth of bacteria.'
            of names.                                 Finding specific information       2  Daniel Black and the boy both got the      Some scientists said that honey
                                                                                          medical treatment they needed.
                                                                                                                                    prevent the growth of bacteria.
            Elicit what words students can scan for   To find specific information, don’t read the text   3  Receiving money changed Glen James’s life.  3  'I am raising some money for my poor
            here, e.g. the names of jobs. Students then   in detail. Follow these steps:  4  The rice ATMs distributed an unlimited   students.'
            scan the article to find the jobs. Check   1  Identify the type of information, or key   amount of rice each time.      She told me that she    some
                                                        words, you’re looking for.
            answers with the class.                   2  Read the text quickly. Look out for the key   4  VOCABULARY PLUS  Use a dictionary to   money for her poor students.
                                                        words. Don’t stop at difficult words.  check the meaning of the nouns in blue in   4  'When you spread kindness, you may feel
             ANswers                                  3  Read the text around the key words again   the text. What is the verb form of each one?   good about yourselves.'
                                                        and check.                                                                  Our teacher said that when we
            Daniel Black was a musician. Hoàng Tuấn                                    5    USE IT!  Work in pairs. Which story did   kindness, we    feel good about
            Anh was an entrepreneur. Glen James       2   2.22   Read and listen to the online article   you like best? Why?        ourselves.
            was an office worker.                       again. Why are these numbers mentioned?
                                                        1  £22,000  2  $42,000  3  1.5 kg
            exercise 2  e 2.22
            Ask students to scan the article quickly   72  Big ideas                                                                                                                    Big ideas  73
            to find the numbers. You could do this
            as a race to encourage students to scan   2  false (Daniel gave all the money he   exercise 4 VOCABULArY PLUs
            quickly. Play the audio. Students read and   had saved for his own surgery to the
            listen, then note down why the numbers   boy so that the boy could afford to   Students use a dictionary to check the
            are mentioned. Check answers with    have surgery.)                    meaning of the blue words. With stronger
            the class.                                                             classes, you could encourage students to
                                               3  true                             try to guess the meaning from the context
             ANswers                           4  false (The rice ATM distributed a 1.5 kg   first, then check in a dictionary. Check that
            1  £22,000 – the amount of money saved   bagful of rice each time.)    students understand all the words.
              by Daniel Black                                                      ANswers
            2  $42,000 – the amount of money Glen   Optional activity: reading     Students’ own answers.
              James found                       Put students into pairs. Ask them to
            3  1.5 kg  – the amount of rice distributed   think of a suitable heading for each     Workbook page 48 exercise 5
              each time from the rice dispensing
              machine                           paragraph of the article. Elicit answers   exercise 5 Use IT!
                                                from the class and discuss as a class the   Allow students time to prepare their ideas
            exercise 3  e 2.22                  best heading for each paragraph.   individually, then put them into pairs to
            Allow students time to read through the   POssIBLe ANswers             discuss the questions. Encourage them to
            sentences, then play the audio again.   Helping a child, Rice ATMs,    express their own opinions and listen to
            Students read and listen and decide if   Honesty pays                  their partner’s opinions. Ask some pairs to
            the sentences are true or false. Remind                                tell the class their opinions and ideas. Ask
            them to correct the false sentences. Check                             students if they know any similar stories of
            answers with the class.                                                kindness.
                                                                                    More practice
                                                                                    Workbook page 48
            1  false (Sometimes a spontaneous                                       Practice Kit  Reading 7
              act of kindness can change another
              person’s life.)

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