Page 57 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 57

6  Learn  Culture p95                  3   listen to three people               As a class, discuss which is the best idea

                                               2.11   Watch or

                                                                                 and which is the worst. If students are
 Vocabulary • Schools and exams
 I can express opinions by agreeing or disagreeing.  Language focus reference p104  talking about school and    reluctant to speak, ask individual students:
                                           answer the questions.
                                           1  What type of school                Which idea do you think is the best? Why?
   THINK!  What are the best and worst things about    does Emma prefer?
 going to school?                                                                When they express their opinion, ask
                                           2  What does Max say is more important than
 1   2.09   Use the word school and the words in the   4 Study  getting good results?  another student: Do you agree with (Paul)?
 box to make compound nouns. Listen and check.   3  What is Elizabeth’s opinion of   Why / Why not? Ask other students: What
 Which types of school can you see in the photos?  Plan your   homeschooling?    do you think about this, (Ana)? Encourage
 boarding school                         Key pHrases                             as many students as possible to join in and
 boarding holidays home leavers    ideal school!  Expressing opinions            express their opinions. Repeat the process
 mixed primary rules                     I definitely think that    .
 secondary single-sex uniform                                                    to discuss the worst idea.
 What is your ideal school like?         I’m not sure I agree    .
 2   2.10   Check the meaning of the phrases in the   Choose from these ideas.  It all depends on    .   ANSWerS
 box and complete the questionnaire. Listen and   That’s a good point.
 check. Then ask and answer the questions with a   I like the idea of    .       Students’ own answers.
 do homework enrol in fail exams        4     Use IT!  Work in pairs. Give your opinions   Optional activity: Vocabulary
 get a qualification get good marks        on these statements using the key phrases.
 get into college go to lessons                                                   Put students into pairs and ask them
 obey rules pass exams take classes                                               to write another statement about a
                                          Age of school-leavers to increase to 19  change to the school system, using
 1 Type of school                          All secondary schools will have        vocabulary from exercises 1 and 2.
                                           uniforms by September                  You could brainstorm some ideas with
                                                                                  the class first, e.g. All students will take
             5  Rules                           School holidayS will be reduced    classes in cooking. All schools will become
                                                to three weekS in Summer
                                                                                  boarding schools. Put students into small
 2 Subjects  3  Timetable                All schools will become single-sex schools  groups to discuss their statements and
                                                                                  decide which is the best and worst idea.
                                                                                  Encourage them to use the key phrases
                                          Some people aren’t interested in doing exams and
                                          going to college, so I definitely think that changing    in their discussions. Ask groups in turn
                                           the school-leaving age to nineteen is a mistake.  to tell the class about their best and
                                                           That’s a good point.   worst idea.
              School-     leavers
           6                                                                      ANSWerS
                                                                                  Students’ own answers.
                                        Use the key phrases to tell a partner about your
                                        ideal school.                            Finished?
                                                                                 Refer fast finishers to the Finished?
                                                                                 activity. Students can write their sentences
                                                                                 individually, then talk with another fast
 58                                                                    59        finisher. Alternatively, ask them to tell the
                                                                                 class about their ideal school. Encourage
                                                                                 other students to agree and disagree
          exercise 3  r e 2.11    page 115     Optional activity: Key phrases    using some of the key phrases.
          Allow students time to read through the   Play the video or audio again, pausing
          questions. Check that they understand   after some of the key phrases. Ask   More practice
          everything. Play the video or audio for   students to repeat, copying the   Workbook page 38
                                                                                  Practice Kit  Vocabulary 6
          students to watch or listen and answer   pronunciation and intonation that
          the questions. Allow students time to   they hear.                      Assessment
          compare their answers in pairs and,                                     Five-minute test, Teacher’s Resource Disk
          if necessary, play the video or audio again   ANSWerS
          for students to check and complete their   Students’ own answers.
          answers. Check answers with the class.
          Ask: Which speaker do you agree with most?
          Why? Elicit a range of answers.     exercise 4 USe IT!
                                              Read through the statements with the
           ANSWerS                            class and make sure students understand
          1  single-sex schools               everything. Read out the example answers
          2  Helping students become good people.  and point out that students should give
          3  She thinks it’s good because you don’t   reasons for their opinions.
            get distracted by noisy students.  Allow students time to prepare their ideas
                                              individually, then put them into pairs to
                                              discuss their opinions. Remind them to
                                              use some of the key phrases. Ask some
                                              students to tell the class what things they
                                              and their partner agreed and disagreed
                                              about and why.

                                                                                                           Unit 6  T67
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