Page 95 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
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8    Culture  Book days                                                    Exercise 3  e 3.09
                    I can talk about book festivals.
                                                                                 Allow students time to read the questions,
       1  Make compound nouns using the words in   3   3.09   Read and listen to the text again   then play the audio. Students read
         the boxes. Then scan the text to find three   and answer the questions.  and listen to the text, then answer
         compound nouns from the list. What do they   1  Which one can you attend all year round?
         mean?                            2  You like acting and want to attend a   the questions. With stronger classes,
             best book story work           suitable workshop. Which one would you   encourage students to write full sentences
                                            go to, the book festival or the book street?   for their answers where possible. Check
            sellers shop telling worm       Why?                                 answers with the class.
                                          3  Your best friend hopes to meet his
                                            favourite writer in person. Which one
       2  Read the web page to find out which one is   would you recommend? Why?   answErs
         older, the book festival or the book street.  4  You don't like reading about murders.   1  I can attend Nguyễn Văn Bình Book
                                            Which one should you not go to? Why not?
      Let’s celebrate                     5  You prefer to have your books signed by the   Street all year round.
               books!                   4   writers. Which one is your first choice? Why?  2  I’d go to the International Agatha
                                                                                   Christie Festival because I can watch
                                              YOur Culture  Write about a book
      Do you want to meet other people who just love a   or film festival in your country. Do research   theatre group perform her plays, take
                                          online and complete the table.
      good story? Then check out these perfect events for                          part in writing and drama workshops.
      all bookworms!                       Name of the festival                  3  I would recommend Nguyễn Văn Bình
      International Agatha Christie Festival  History of the festival              Book Street because famous writers
      Agatha Christie, the famous mystery writer, is the   Where it takes place    will be there.
      best-selling novelist of all time. Her books, translated   When it takes place
      into over 100 languages, are read and loved by                             4  I shouldn’t go to the International
      people all over the world. Since 2004, fans of Agatha   What you can do there  Agatha Christie Festival because
      Christie have been meeting every year at the festival.  5    uSe It!  Work in pairs. Tell your partner
      Where?                              about the festival you wrote about in    Agatha Christie is a detective novelist.
      Torre Abbey, Torquay in Devon       exercise 4.                            5  My first choice is going to Nguyễn Văn
      When?                                                                        Bình Book Street because there will be
      September (usually the 11 th  to the 20 th )  Nguyễn Văn Bình Book Street
      What?                            Launched on January 9, 2016,  Nguyễn Văn Bình   book signing.
      Listen to talks on Agatha Christie’s books, watch    Book Street received 1.5 million visitors and sold
      theatre groups perform her plays, take part in writing   more than 500,000 copies of books in the first year.   Exercise 4 YOUr CULTUrE
      and drama workshops, go to murder mystery parties   It provides a location for businesses in the publishing
      and taste food that appears in Agatha Christie’s books!  sector to organise events and present products,   Elicit some names of book and film
                                       and a cultural space for book enthusiasts. The   festivals in Việt Nam. If they cannot think
                                       pedestrian-only street includes more than 20 book
                                       stalls featuring books and magazines from domestic   of any, allow students a few minutes to
                                       and foreign publishers.                   search online for the names of some
                                       Nguyễn Văn Bình Street, District 1, Hồ Chí Minh City,   festivals. Students work individually to
                                       Việt Nam                                  choose a festival and complete the table
                                       When?                                     with the correct information. Monitor and
                                       8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Daily
                                       What?                                     help while students are working.
                                       Listen to famous writers talk about their best-sellers,
                                       take part in writing workshops and talk shows,   Exercise 5 UsE IT!
                                       attend book signings and book releases, and choose
                                       from thousands of titles in the festival bookshop.  Put students into pairs to tell each other
                                                                                 about the festival they researched and
                                                                                 choose the best one to present to the
                                                              Culture  97        class. Ask pairs in turn to present their
                                                                                 festival to the class. Ask: Which festival
                                                                                 would you most like to go to? Why?
          8 Culture • Book days               Exercise 1                         answErs
                                              Read out the introduction to the web   Students’ own answers.
           aim                                page and focus on the word bookworms.
           Talk about book festivals.         Point out that it is formed by combining   More practice
                                              book and worm. Elicit the meaning   Book festivals, DVD with worksheet
                                              (someone who loves books).
          warm-up                             Students work in pairs to combine the
          With books closed, ask: What sort of   remaining words, find them in the text and
          books do you enjoy reading? Elicit a range   work out the meanings. They can use their
          of answers. Ask further questions to   dictionaries to help, if necessary. Point
          encourage students to say more, e.g. Do   out that some words in the boxes can be
          you like reading fiction or non-fiction? Do   used more than once. Check answers with
          you prefer watching films to reading books?   the class, and make sure that students
          Why? Do you ever watch a film and then   understand all the compound nouns.
          read the book?
           Background                         bestsellers, booksellers, bookshop,
           Agatha Christie (1890–1976) is one of   bookworm, storytelling, workshop
           Britain’s best-known crime writers. She
           wrote over sixty detective novels. She   Exercise 2
           also wrote the world’s longest-running   Students read the web page to find out
           play, The Mousetrap, which was first   which festival is older. Check the answer
           performed in London in 1952 and    with the class.
           has been shown there continuously   answEr
           ever since.                        International Agatha Christie Festival – it
                                              started in 2004.

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