Page 93 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 93
5 ClIl Science: Genetic engineering 6 Culture Work experience Optional activity: Vocabulary
I can understand genetic engineering and give my opinion about it.
I can talk about the benefits of work experience.
Write these definitions on the board:
1 Check the meaning of the words in the box. 3 Answer the questions. 1 Look at the photos and answer the questions. 2 3.07 Read and listen to the article again
Use the words to complete the text below. 1 Why did scientists genetically modify a Then read the article and check your answers. and answer the questions. 1 ask to get or do something
alter crops diseases gene tomato? 1 What job categories can you see? 1 What time of year do most teenagers do 2 a company that makes something
genetic engineering herbicides 2 What do genes do? 2 Why do you think some teenagers work in work experience in the UK?
nutrients weeds 3 What effect can herbicides have on crops? their holidays? B 2 Why does the writer think work experience 3 temporary jobs
4 What sort of plants can resist herbicides? is useful? 4 things you are very interested in
5 Why do some people oppose the use of GMOs? 3 How long are placements?
2 3.06 Read and listen to the text. Match A 4 What does Paul want to do when he
headings A–E with paragraphs 1–5. finishes school? Students work in pairs to find words in
uSe It! Work in pairs. Ask and answer
A What genetic engineering can do 4 the questions. the text to match the definitions. With
B Doubts about genetic engineering 3 YOur Culture Work in pairs and weaker classes, write the answers
C An example of genetic engineering 1 Do you think GM food is a good idea? answer the questions.
D Defining genes 2 Are you happy to eat GM vegetables or on the board in a jumbled order and
E Genetic engineering and weeds fruit? Why / Why not? Do teenagers usually ask students to find the words and
3 Are you happy to eat meat from a GM match them with the definitions. Check
animal? Why / Why not? do work experience in
The Fish Tomato 4 How much more will you pay for organic food? C your country? answers with the class and check that
and other 5 Will we be able to feed the world if we use D students understand the words.
GM Foods GM food? NO YES
Why not? Do you think Which types of jobs are 1 apply for 2 manufacturer
4 But does genetic engineering work? Farmers use it’s a good idea to do most popular? How old 3 placements 4 passions
7 to kill weeds, but these chemicals can also work experience? Why / are people when they do
Why not?
work experience?
damage crops. In the USA, farmers use GM crops which
resist herbicides, so that they can destroy 8 4 uSe It! Imagine your country has a new Exercise 3 YOUr CULTUrE
without damaging the crop. However, some ‘superweeds’ rule: All fourteen-year-olds must do work
1 are becoming immune to the herbicides, so the farmers The experience in the school holidays. Prepare a Allow students time to prepare their ideas
Did you know that scientists have put a have to use more and more chemicals. class debate. Follow instructions 1–3. individually. Put them into pairs to ask
fish 1 into a tomato? They world of work
did it to develop tomatoes which can 1 Group A: you agree with the rule. and answer the questions. Discuss the
grow in cold temperatures. 5 Group B: you disagree with the rule. answers with the class. Encourage as many
Food is very important to all of us and many experience In pairs, write a list of reasons to support
your opinion.
2 So what are genes? Genes are instructions which people believe we are what we eat. These people Forget relaxing with friends. The end of the school 2 Take turns to present your reasons. students as possible to join in and express
are worried about the overuse of chemicals
their opinions.
exist inside every cell of every living thing. Each cell and the possible effects of eating GMOs. Some year is a time for working for most fourteen- and 3 Decide which group presented the best
in the human body contains about 25,000 to 35,000 governments oppose them. What do you think? fifteen-year-olds in the UK. Around half a million argument. AnsWErs
genes which determine your eye colour, how tall teenagers in the UK do work experience every
you are, what skills you have, and so on. So if you summer. This is a useful way to find out which jobs Students’ own answers.
2 a plant gene, you can change a specific you might enjoy in the future. It is also important My work experience:
characteristic like colour, shape or height. when you apply for university, or get a job in the Exercise 4 UsE IT!
3 future. For example, if you want to study to be Hi, I’m Paul, and I’ve just done two weeks’ Divide the class into two groups, one
work experience on a farm near where
an engineer, you could do work experience with a
3 changes the genes of plants or animals to make I live. It was brilliant. I enjoyed giving the
genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Scientists believe that car manufacturer. Other popular work experience animals their food in the morning. I also for the new rule and one against. Within
GMOs can help us in many ways. For example, GM 4 placements are in teaching, marketing, media, made sure the animals had exercise and I the groups, put students into pairs to
and finance. Placements usually last two weeks.
can produce more food which contains more 5 . They
can also have an engineered resistance to insects and 6 , Some teenagers have no idea what job they want kept everything clean. At night, I helped to prepare a list of reasons to support their
and stay fresh for longer. GMOs can make fish grow larger and make to do. In this case, they need to think about their put the animals inside. It was hard work but opinion. With weaker classes, you could
cows produce healthier milk. Some people think that if we want to passions. For example, if you are interested in music, I loved it. I hope the farm will give brainstorm some ideas with the whole
feed the world’s population, we will need GMOs. you could work in a music shop. Alternatively, if you me a job when I finish school.
love animals, you could work on a farm. class first.
94 ClIl Culture 95 Ask pairs in turn to present their ideas
to the class, starting with all the pairs in
favour of the new rule, and then all the
6 Culture • Work 1 A teaching B engineering pairs against the new rule. As students
speak, make brief notes on the board of
experience C media D finance important arguments.
2 Students’ own answers. Refer students to the notes on the
Aim board. Put them into small groups to
Talk about the benefits of work Exercise 2 e 3.07 discuss which group presented the best
experience. Allow students time to read the questions, arguments. Hold a class vote to end with,
then play the audio. Students read and to decide how many students agree with
listen to the article and Paul’s note again, the new rule.
Warm-up and answer the questions. Allow students
With books closed, ask: What job do you to compare their answers in pairs, then AnsWErs
want to do in the future? Why? Elicit answers check answers with the class. Students’ own answers.
from students who know what they want
to do. Ask: If you don’t know what you want AnsWErs Optional activity: Writing
to do, how can you find out what different 1 summer Ask students to imagine they have
jobs are like? Elicit a few ideas, and elicit the 2 Because it’s a useful way to find out just done two weeks’ work experience.
idea of doing work experience. what jobs you might want to do in Refer them back to Paul’s note and ask
the future. It can also help you to get them to write a similar note describing
Exercise 1 a job. what they did each day and what they
Students work in pairs to look at the 3 two weeks enjoyed or didn’t enjoy. Put students
photos and answer the questions. Elicit a 4 Go back to work on the farm. into small groups to read their notes to
few possible answers and teach the words each other. Ask some students whose
media and finance. Students then read work experience sounded fun.
the article and Paul’s note to check their
answers. Check answers with the class. More practice
Tall Ships, DVD with worksheet
Culture T99