Page 90 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 90
3 CLIL • Geology: The 3 ClIl Geology: The water cycle 4 ClIl Society: Fairtrade
I can understand the water cycle and describe the journey of a river.
I can talk about Fairtrade and design a poster about it.
water cycle 1 Match the words in blue in the fact sheet 3 Label the diagram with the words in the box. 1 Read paragraphs 1 and 2 of the text quickly 3 3.05 Read and listen to the article
with definitions 1–7. to find the words below. What part of speech again. Write true or false. Correct the false
Aim 1 changes from liquid into gas condensation evaporation precipitation are they? Explain their meaning in your own sentences.
water returns to the sea
Understand the water cycle and 2 changes from gas into liquid conditions label plantation 1 People in the UK don't grow bananas.
3 rainfall
2 Some banana farmers don’t earn enough
describe the journey of a river. 4 water when it exists in the air price profit because companies don’t pay a fair price.
5 the part of the land or body of water at the 3 3 Fairtrade only helps banana farmers.
6 ice is in this state 2 Read the article. What is Fairtrade? 4 Foncho buys bananas from farmers and
sells them to supermarkets.
Warm-up 7 water at room temperature is this 4 5 Thanks to the Fairtrade, Foncho's life is
Focus on the picture and photo and elicit MAKE BANANAS FAIR getting better now.
that they are to do with water. Ask: Where 2 Read the fact sheet. What happens to water 4 uSe It! Work in groups. Make a poster
when it falls to the Earth?
does the water in our taps come from? How 2 Bananas are the most popular fruit in the world. British about Fairtrade. Include pictures.
people love eating bananas, but they don’t grow in the UK
does water get into rivers and streams? THE WATER cyclE and have to be transported. So how it is possible that a Write about workers’ conditions like this:
Where does it go to when it gets to the end of 1 banana only costs eleven pence in supermarkets? work
the river? Where does the water in rain come Now here is a challenge for you. Go and get a glass 1 The reason is that the farmers often get very little Workers often earn
from? Elicit what students already know of water and take a look at it. Can you guess how old because the companies who buy bananas want can’t
about the water cycle. it is? Well, your water perhaps fell from a cloud just to make big profits. Life isn’t easy on a banana Write about consumers’ actions:
a couple of weeks ago, but it has been around for
plantation. The farmers work long hours and can get
the same length of time as planet Earth! That means harmed by dangerous pesticides.
Exercise 1 that your glass of water was around when the first Consumers don’t buy more
creatures swam in the sea and when the dinosaurs 2 Fairtrade is an international movement that tries to should pay enough
Check that students understand liquid, gas, roamed the Earth. But how is this possible? help farmers and workers in developing countries. Include a slogan, for example:
body of water, ice and room temperature. The fact is that the quantity of water on the Earth Fairtrade products include items like bananas, coffee, Buy … / Give … / Pay … / Help …
Put students into pairs to read the text remains the same over time and it constantly sugar, cocoa and rice. When you buy a product with
goes through the water cycle. In the cycle, there is
Fairtrade label, you know the farmers received a fair
and match the blue words with the continuous movement of water on, above and below price and worked in good conditions.
meanings. Check answers with the class, the surface of the Earth. Firstly, the sun heats the 3 Foncho, a Fairtrade banana farmer in Colombia who
water in the rivers, seas and oceans, and it evaporates
and check that students understand all into the air. Plants and trees lose water, too, and this belongs to a farmers’ co-operative. 'We experienced
the words. Model pronunciation of words also goes up into the air. The water vapour then cools very difficult times when we weren’t in Fairtrade,’
and condenses into small drops which form clouds.
your students might find difficult, e.g. You can see how condensation happens if you look he says. Today, as a Fairtrade farmer, he gets a
minimum price for his bananas and his co-operative
surface, vapour. again at your glass of water on a hot day. After a 4 3.04 Read and listen to the fact sheet
short time, water from the air condenses onto the also gets the Fairtrade premium. This means he can
Elicit one or two example sentences using cold glass. Back to the sky, though, and the next step again. Answer the questions. build his family a house and support them.
1 What is true about the amount of water on
the words, e.g. Water is a liquid. Ice is a solid. is that the clouds gradually get heavier and heavier Earth? 4 Therefore, next time you are shopping in the
until they can’t hold the water any more, and it falls to
Earth as rain, sleet or snow. 2 Why does water vapour condense? supermarket, look for the Fairtrade label. If enough
AnsWErs Water can change state from liquid to vapour to 3 What happens to a glass of water on a hot people choose to buy Fairtrade goods, more
1 evaporates 2 condenses solid during the cycle, but any form of water that day? companies will pay the farmers a fair price.
3 precipitation 4 vapour 5 surface falls from the clouds is called precipitation. When on 4 Name two forms of precipitation. Do you
know any more?
Earth, some of the water runs into rivers, lakes and
6 solid 7 liquid streams and becomes surface water. Some enters the 5 What are the three states that water can
ground and forms underground rivers or lakes before be in?
Exercise 2 eventually flowing back to the seas and oceans. The 5 uSe It! Work in pairs. Create a poster
cycle is complete.
Read out the question. Students read to show what happens in the water cycle.
the fact sheet and find the answer to the Include information from this page.
question. Check the answer with the class. 92 ClIl ClIl 93
Some of the water runs into rivers, lakes
and streams and becomes surface water. AnsWErs Optional activity: speaking
Some enters the ground and forms 1 The amount of water on Earth doesn’t Tell students they are going to
underground rivers or lakes. change over time.
2 Water vapour condenses when explain the water cycle from memory.
Exercise 3 it cools. Allow them two minutes to study
page 92 again, then ask them to close
Students label the diagram with the 3 Warm, moist air condenses on the their books.
correct words. With weaker classes, cold glass.
students could work in pairs for this. Check 4 rain, snow; Students’ own answers. Put students into small groups to
answers with the class and make sure 5 solid (ice), liquid (water), gas prepare an explanation of the water
students can understand the diagram. (steam / vapour) cycle from memory, using vocabulary
from page 92. Ask some groups to give
AnsWErs Exercise 5 UsE IT! their explanation to the class. Discuss
1 water returns to the sea Read out the task and ask: What do you as a class any parts they have forgotten
2 evaporation need to show on the poster? Elicit that to include.
3 condensation the poster must show the sea, a river,
4 precipitation precipitation and water rising from the sea Students’ own answers.
as water vapour and clouds.
Exercise 4 e 3.04 Put students into pairs to create their
Allow students time to read through the poster. Monitor and help while they are More practice
questions, then play the audio. Students working. Ask some pairs to present their Mist catchers, DVD with worksheet
read and listen to the fact sheet again and posters to the class.
answer the questions. Allow students time
to compare their answers in pairs, then AnsWErs
check answers with the class. Students’ own answers.