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5 CLIL • Science:                       5      ClIl    Science: Genetic engineering
                                                                   I can understand genetic engineering and give my opinion about it.
            Genetic engineering                       1  Check the meaning of the words in the box.   3  Answer the questions.
                                                        Use the words to complete the text below.  1  Why did scientists genetically modify a
             Aim                                            alter crops diseases gene     tomato?
             Understand genetic engineering and             genetic engineering herbicides    2  What do genes do?
                                                                                         3  What effect can herbicides have on crops?
                                                                nutrients weeds
             give your opinion about it.                                                 4  What sort of plants can resist herbicides?
                                                                                         5  Why do some people oppose the use of GMOs?
                                                      2   3.06   Read and listen to the text. Match
                                                        headings A–E with paragraphs 1–5.
            Warm-up                                     A  What genetic engineering can do  4    uSe It!  Work in pairs. Ask and answer
            Focus on the photos and read out the title   B  Doubts about genetic engineering  the questions.
                                                                                         1  Do you think GM food is a good idea?
                                                        C  An example of genetic engineering
            of the text. Elicit or explain the meaning of   D  Defining genes            2  Are you happy to eat GM vegetables or
            GM foods (genetically modified foods) and   E  Genetic engineering and weeds  fruit? Why / Why not?
            GMOs (genetically modified organisms).                                       3  Are you happy to eat meat from a GM
                                                                                          animal? Why / Why not?
            Ask: What do you know about genetic      The Fish Tomato                     4  How much more will you pay for organic food?
            engineering? Elicit answers from individual   and other                      5  Will we be able to feed the world if we use
                                                                                          GM food?
            students. Encourage students to share    GM Foods
            what they know, even if it is only a
            small amount.                                                          4  But does genetic engineering work? Farmers use
                                                                                     7        to kill weeds, but these chemicals can also
            Exercise 1                                                               damage crops. In the USA, farmers use GM crops which
            Point out the gaps in the text. Suggest                                  resist herbicides, so that they can destroy  8
                                                                                     without damaging the crop. However, some ‘superweeds’
            that students should read each gapped   1                                are becoming immune to the herbicides, so the farmers
            sentence first, then check the meaning of   Did you know that scientists have put a   have to use more and more chemicals.
                                                               into a tomato? They
            the words in the box and decide which    did it to develop tomatoes which can
            word fits each gap. Put students into pairs   grow in cold temperatures.  5  Food is very important to all of us and many
            to complete the task.                   2                                 people believe we are what we eat. These people
            Check answers with the class, and check   So what are genes? Genes are instructions which   are worried about the overuse of chemicals
                                                                                      and the possible effects of eating GMOs. Some
                                                      exist inside every cell of every living thing. Each cell
            that students understand all the words.   in the human body contains about 25,000 to 35,000   governments oppose them. What do you think?
            Model the pronunciation of words your     genes which determine your eye colour, how tall
                                                      you are, what skills you have, and so on. So if you
            students might find difficult, e.g. genetic   2   a plant gene, you can change a specific
            engineering, herbicides.                  characteristic like colour, shape or height.
             AnsWErs                               3       changes the genes of plants or animals to make
            1  gene    2  alter    3  Genetic      genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Scientists believe that
            engineering    4  crops    5  nutrients      GMOs can help us in many ways. For example, GM  4   . They
                                                   can produce more food which contains more  5
            6  diseases    7  herbicides    8  weeds   can also have an engineered resistance to insects and  6   ,
                                                   and stay fresh for longer. GMOs can make fish grow larger and make
            Exercise 2  e 3.06                     cows produce healthier milk. Some people think that if we want to
                                                   feed the world’s population, we will need GMOs.
            Read through the headings with the
            class and check that students understand   94  ClIl
            everything. Point out that the text has five
            paragraphs, and students must match the
            correct heading to each paragraph. Point   3  Herbicides are chemicals which can   Optional activity: speaking
            out that they should match the headings   damage crops.
            according to the general meaning of each   4  GM crops and superweeds can resist   Hold a class debate on GMOs. Divide
            paragraph. Play the audio for students to   herbicides.                 the class in half. Tell one half of the class
            read and listen and match the headings   5  Some people oppose the use of GMOs   that they are in favour of GMOs, and tell
            with the paragraphs.                 because they are worried about the   the other half they are against GMOs.
            Allow students time to compare their   overuse of chemicals and the possible   Within each group, put students into
            answers in pairs, then check answers with   effects of eating GMOs.     small groups to prepare arguments to
            the class.                                                              support their point of view. Point out
                                               Exercise 4 UsE IT!                   that they should make their arguments
             AnsWErs                           Read through the questions with the   as strongly as possible in order to
            1  C    2  D    3  A    4  E    5  B  class and check that students understand   persuade their classmates.
                                               everything. Allow students time to prepare   Ask the group in favour of GMOs to
            Exercise 3                         their ideas individually, then put them into   present their arguments first, then ask
            Students read the article again and answer   pairs to compare and discuss their ideas.  the group against GMOs to present their
            the questions. Allow students time to   Ask some pairs to tell the class what they   arguments. Tell students that while they
            compare their answers in pairs, then check   agreed and disagreed about.  are listening, they can prepare questions
            answers with the class.                                                 to ask students from the opposing side.
             AnsWErs                                                                Allow time for questions and answers,
            1  They did it to develop tomatoes which   Students’ own answers.       then hold a class vote. See if the class is
              can grow in cold temperatures.                                        for or against GMOs overall.
            2  They determine your eye colour, how
              tall you are, what skills you have, and                               More practice
              so on.
                                                                                    Genetic engineering, DVD with worksheet

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