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P. 88

1 Culture • Hairstyles                   1   Culture    • Hairstyles                                               2     ClIl    Art: Colours
                                                                                                                                             I can name colours and say how they relate to each other.
                                                                   I can report back on a class survey about hairstyles.
             Aim                                      1  Look at the photos. Then read the article.   3    YOur Culture  Work in pairs. Answer   1  Check the meaning of the words in the box.
                                                        Which photo(s) match(es) each decade?  the questions about Việt Nam.      Do you know any other adjectives to describe
             Report back on a class survey about            A                            1  Which hairstyles are most popular in    colours?
             hairstyles.                                              B                   Việt Nam at the moment?                   complementary harmonious pastel    The Colour Wheel
                                                                                         2  Which of the following are fashionable for   primary secondary vibrant
                                                                                          men in Việt Nam?
            Warm-up                                                                      beard long hair moustache undercut     2  Read the text. Write the names of colours   1
            Focus on the photos and elicit that they                                     3  What colour hair dye is the most popular   1–6 on the colour wheel. Which colours are
                                                                                                                                  primary and which are secondary?
            show different hairstyles. As a class,                                        in Việt Nam?                            1 yellow – primary                   6              2
            brainstorm some words to describe the           C         D                  black blonde brown grey red other
                                                                                                                                    3.03   Read and listen to the text again.
            hairstyles in the photos, e.g. long, short,                                4    uSe It!  Do a class survey using the   3   Complete the sentences using the words in
            smart, spiky, punk, shaved, curly, straight,                                 questions below. Then report the results.  exercise 1.                        5              3
            Afro, fringe, beard, moustache.                                              1  Which hairstyle from the text do you like   1  Yellow and purple are    colours.
                                                                                          most?                                   2  Blue and red are    colours.             4
            Ask: What sort of hairstyles do you like? Elicit                             2  Which hairstyle from the text do you like least?   3  A    colour is bright and strong.
            a few ideas, then put students into pairs                                    3  Did you use to have a different hairstyle   4  Green and yellow are    colours.
                                                                                          when you were younger? Describe it.
            to discuss the question. Ask some pairs to   2   3.02   Read and listen to the article again   4  What hair colour would you like to try?  5  Orange and purple are    colours.
                                                                                                                                  6  A
                                                                                                                                             colour is pale and soft.
            tell the class how similar or different their   and answer the questions.   The most / least popular hairstyle in the class is … .                   Have you ever thought about how colours are
            opinions were.                              1  Why was a hairstyle called ‘the Rachel’?  The number of people who like / don’t like it is … .  4    uSe It!  Work in groups. Look at Wassily   related? Why do some colour combinations
                                                        2  What did the hairstyle in the 2000s look                               Kandinsky’s painting Squares with Concentric   look good and others don’t ?
                                                         like?                                                                    Circles. Choose two squares in the painting   According to Isaac Newton, white light consists
            Exercise 1                                  3   What new hair colour became popular in   The most / least popular hair colour is … .  and say how the colours in each square are   of all the colours of the rainbow. Newton then
                                                         the 2010s?                       The number of people who like / don’t like it is … .  related. Which square do you like best and   arranged them in a circle of warm and cool
            Students work in pairs to read the article                                                                            why?                           categories.
            and match the photos with the decades.                                     ... people used to have a different hairstyle in the past.  … and … are harmonious / complementary colours.  Red, blue and yellow are the three primary
            Check answers with the class.                 Hair through the decades                                                 I like … because it looks … . It reminds me of … .  colours on the colour wheel. By mixing two
             AnsWErs                                                                                                                                             primary colours, we’ve got the secondary
                                                                                                                                                                 colours green, orange and purple.
              1990s:  C    2000s:  A    2010s:  B, D      Like fashion trends, hairstyles                                                                        Colours can also be harmonious or complementary.
                                                          come and go. Here’s a look at hair   2010s  Grey hair                                                  Complementary colours are directly opposite
                                                                                           This decade introduced a strange new fashion
                                                                                                                                                                 each other, like red and green. Harmonious
            Exercise 2  e 3.02                            crazes over the past thirty years.  of young women with grey hair. Not natural                         colours sit next to each other on the wheel.
            Allow students time to read the questions,    The ‘Rachel’                     grey hair, but a dye to change the colour to                          Famous artists and decorators have used the
                                                                                           silver grey.
            then play the audio. Students read     1990s  This hairstyle was named after Rachel Green,   The beard and the moustache                             colour wheel to choose the right colours ever
            and listen to the article, then answer        a character from the 1990s American sitcom   OK, so they’re not really hairstyles, but the             since then. Everyone agrees that colours can
                                                                                                                                                                 affect our feelings. A vibrant red, for example,
                                                          Friends. The actress Jennifer Aniston, who
            the questions. With stronger classes,         played Rachel in the show, used to have   long beard and curly moustache will be                       is often associated with anger or danger, while
            encourage students to write full sentences    medium-length hair that was cut in layers at   remembered as the look of the 2010s. They               yellow is a happy colour. Blue can make people
                                                                                           were so popular that images of moustaches
                                                                                                                                                                 feel calm; pastel pink, which is a gentle pink,
            for their answers. Allow students time to     the bottom.                      even decorated blouses, hats and all sorts of                         sometimes makes them think of romance, and
            compare their answers in pairs, then check    Extensions                       clothes.                                                              green is the colour of nature.
            answers with the class. answers        2000s  The craze for very long, straight hair in the                                                          What’s your favourite colour? What do you
                                                          first decade of the 21  century made hair                                                              associate it with?
            1  Jennifer Aniston, who played Rachel        extensions extremely popular.
              Green in Friends, made ‘the Rachel’
              style popular.                      90  Culture                                                                                                                              ClIl  91
            2  The hairstyle in the 2000s was hair
              extensions, which made hair very long
              and straight.                    the most, then repeat to find out which   Optional activity: Writing
            3  Unnaturally grey hair became popular   one students like the least. Record all the
              in the 2010s.                    results on the board.                Divide the class into five groups, and
                                               Ask questions 3 and 4 to the class and   allocate a decade to each group, from
            Exercise 3 YOUr CULTUrE            record the results on the board.     the 1990s to the 2010s.
            Check that students understand hair dye,   Read out the first sentence beginning   For homework, ask students in each
            and check they understand all the words   The most / least popular hairstyle in the   group to find out about hairstyles in
            in the boxes.                      class is … and elicit the answer from the   Việt Nam during that decade.
                                                                                    Encourage them to download photos
            Allow students time to prepare their ideas   information on the board.  and write a brief description of the
            individually, then put them into pairs to   Put students into pairs to report the   popular hairstyles.
            discuss the questions. Discuss the answers   results of the survey, using the sentence
            as a class.                        beginnings in exercise 4 and the     In the next lesson, put students
                                               information on the board. Ask pairs in turn   together into their groups to share their
             AnsWErs                                                                information and write a brief paragraph
            Students’ own answers.             to read some of their sentences to the   about the popular hairstyles during
                                               class. Ask: Do you find any of these results   their decade.
            Exercise 4 UsE IT!                 surprising? Which ones? Why?         Ask groups in turn to present their
            Explain to students that they are   AnsWErs                             decade to the class. Ask: Which hairstyles
            going to do a survey on hairstyles. Ask   Students’ own answers.        do you like the most? Which do you like
            students to read questions 1–4 and write                                the least? Elicit a few answers.
            their answers.                                                          AnsWErs
            Ask: Who likes hairstyle A the most? Write                              Students’ own answers.
            the number of students on the board.
            Continue asking about each hairstyle to
            see how many students like each one

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