Page 25 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 25


           Listening                                      Writing

           1 Work  in  pairs.  Is  tourism  important  to   4 Work  in  groups.  Talk  about  the  negative
              Viet Nam? Give at least one reason.            e ects  of  tourism  on  a  region  or  country.
                                                             The following ideas may be helpful to you.
           2 Listen to the lecture and tick ( ) true (T) or   –   Natural environment is damaged.
              false (F).
                                               T   F      –   Natural beauty is spoiled.
            1.  Tourism plays an important part in        –   Traditional ways of life are a ected.
              the development of many nations.            –   Social problems may arise.
            2.  Modern transport promotes tourism.        5 Choose  one  negative  e ect  that  you  have
            3.  Tourism depends on the income of             discussed above and write a paragraph about
              a country.                                     it. Make sure you use the right connectors.
            4.  People’s  lives  get  better  with  the      First/Firstly/The  rst …/One of the …
              development of tourism.                        Second/Secondly/Another …
            5.  Tourism  helps  promote                      Third/ Thirdly/Furthermore/In addition …
              international understanding and
              cooperation.                                   ______________________________________________
            6.  Young  people  go  to  big  cities  to       ______________________________________________
              meet foreign tourists.                         ______________________________________________
           3 Listen again and choose the correct answer.     ______________________________________________
              The next part of the lecture probably continues      ______________________________________________
              to discuss ______.
           A.   other bene ts of tourism
           B.   the tourism industry in Viet Nam
           C.   the negative e ects of tourism

           27   Unit 8/ Tourism
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