Page 26 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 26

                                                          3  Form  compound  nouns  from  these  words,
                                                             then  make  sentences  with  them,  and  share
           Vocabulary                                        with a partner.

           1  Fill  each  gap  with  a  word  from  the  box  to   tour   return   soft   ticket   package
              complete  the  passage.  There  are  two  extra   operator   tour   round  ware   trip
                                                             tour operator
               touring   safaris   breathtaking   experience      If  there  are  any  problems,  you  should  contact
               ticket   holidays   expeditions   travellers  your tour operator.
              If you dream of getting close to the wild side of   Grammar
              the  natural  world,  then  join  our  WildlifeTours!
              We  o er  classic  wildlife  (1)______,  exciting   4  Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences,
              (2)______,  family  holidays,  and  tailor-made   using a/an, the or zero article.
              holidays. Our adventure  (3)______ to Africa range   1.  My aunt and uncle love sun! They stay in UK in
                  from a week (4)______ Kenya to the ultimate   summer and visit friends in Australia in winter.
                              African  adventure  travelling   →  ______________________________________________.
                              from  South  to  East  Africa   2.   Not much is known about how brain works.
                              over one month! Perfect for   →  ______________________________________________.
                              families, groups of friends or
                                  solo (5)______, our safari   3.   Bicycle  is  among  the  most  e  cient  machines
                                                             invented by man.
                                    holidays  aim  to  o er
                                    you  an  incredible   →  ______________________________________________.
                                   wildlife  (6)______.  And   4.   They plan to launch expedition into interior of
                                  remember, nothing gets     Australia.
                                   your  heart  beating   →  ______________________________________________.
                                   faster  than  hearing   5.   If you want to go on long trip, you should prepare
                                   lions roar at night.      properly for it.
                                                          →  ______________________________________________.
                                                          6.   I’m  very  interested  in  the  history,  especially
           2  Form  compound  nouns  from  the  following    history of Asian countries.
              words,  then   ll  the  gaps  to  complete  the   →  ______________________________________________.
                                                          5  Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar
               holiday  out    jet    o s   check  sun      meaning, using the word in CAPITALS.
               glasses   over  take  maker  stop   lag    Example:
           1.   Travellers who cross the Atlantic from New York to      My sister studies at university.           A
              London often su er from ______ for a few days.  →  My sister is a university student.
           2.   We would like to remind all guests that ______ is
              at noon.                                    1.   The journey was terrible.      WHAT
           3.   We  didn’t   y  directly  to  Australia  –  we  had  a   2.   Our hotel was lovely – it was by the sea.  STAYED
              one-night ______ in Singapore.              3.   I watched an interesting programme
           4.   It is irritating that some movie stars wear their   on TV yesterday.           THE
              ______ even in church.
           5.   Someone who is away from home on holiday is a   4.   The guitar my friend has just bought   AN
              ______.                                        is old.
           6.   Because of the bad weather, there were no ______   5.   She needs to travel to Kyoto on   TRIP
              from the airport this morning.                 business.

                Unit 8/ Tourism
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