Page 27 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 27

LOOKING BACK  Communication                      b Name  three  things  you  don’t  like  to  do  on
                                                     holiday, and say why.
           6 a  What  would  you  like  to  do  most   Example:  cook meals
                on holiday? Tick ( ) three things.            I don’t like to cook meals on holiday. I like to eat
                Share your ideas with a partner.            out and relax.

              go camping                           Finished! Now I can…

              watch the wildlife                   ●   use lexical items related to tourism
                                                   ●   use common compound nouns
              visit a museum                       ●   use a, an, the and zero article
                                                   ●   ask questions for information with the
              meet local people                      correct intonation
                                                   ●   read for general and speci c
              visit historic places                  information about a tourist attraction
                                                   ●   talk about my choice of holiday
              relax and laze around                ●   listen for speci c information about
                                                     the bene ts of tourism to an area/
              make new friends                       country
                                                   ●   write a paragraph about the negative
              go to a theme park                     e ects of tourism on an area/country


           An advertisement  or a tourist attraction

           1  Read  the  following  advertisement  for  a   2  What  are  good  ways  to  write  an
              holiday in Italy.                              advertisement? Put a tick ( ).
              Italy - Paradise on Earth!                  1.   Create a striking headline
                                                          2.   Keep your ad brief
              Come  to  sunny  Italy!  It  is  a  country  full  of   3.   Write some drawbacks
              fascinating  cities  and  beautiful  scenery.  It  is   4.   Try to attract attention
              considered  the  birthplace  of  Western  culture.   5.   Ask a lot of questions
              High  art  and  monuments  are  to  be  found   6.   Give the main features
              all  over  the  country.  Moreover,  the  food  is
              delicious. There are also shops full of bargains.   3  Write  a  short  advertisement  for  a  tourist
              You can spend your time sightseeing, shopping,   attraction in your area.
              or you can simply relax on one
              of  the  excellent  beaches.
              Whatever  you  do,  you
              are certain to have a
              most  enjoyable

           29   Unit 8/ Tourism
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