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         Unit                              ENGLISH IN THE WORLD


            English club

                                                       Teacher:   Ha ha… But the simplicity of form
             1  Listen and read.                               makes English easy to learn. Many
                                                               English words have been simpli ed
             Teacher:    Welcome  to  English  Club. Today,  I’m   over  the  centuries.  Now,  question
                     going to do a quick quiz to check your    three: Who can tell me an English
                     knowledge  of  the  English  language.    word that can operate as a noun, a
                     Question one: Is English the language     verb, and an adjective?
                     which is spoken as a  rst language by   Mai:       I think the word subject can operate
                     most people in the world?                 as a noun, a verb, and an adjective.
             Duong:   Of course, it is.                Teacher:   Excellent.  In  English,  the  same
             Teacher:   Incorrect.  Chinese  is.  Question  two:   word can operate as many parts of
                     Does  English  have  the  largest         speech. That’s due to its  exibility.
                     vocabulary?                               Question four: What is the longest
             Vy:        Yes,  with  approximately  500,000     word in English which has only one
                     words and 300,000 technical terms.        vowel?
             Teacher:   Yes,  spot  on!  This  is  due  to  the   Duong:   Is it length?
                     openness  of  the  English  language.   Vy:      No, I think it’s strengths.
                     English  has  borrowed  words  from   Teacher:   That’s  right,  Vy.  Lastly,  question
                     many other languages.                      ve: Who can tell me at least three
             Duong:    Yeah, if there weren’t so many words,   varieties of English?
                     it would be easier for us to master it!  Mai:       American English, Australian English,
                                                              and... er, yes, Indian English.

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