Page 32 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 32


                                                          2 Rewrite the sentences using the conditional
            Grammar                                          sentences type 2.
            Conditional sentences type 2: review          Example:
                                                             Peter has such a lot of English homework that he
            1 a  Read this sentence from the conversation in   won’t go to the party.
                 GETTING STARTED. Do you remember when       →      If  Peter  didn’t  have  such  a  lot  of  English
                 we use conditional sentences type 2?           homework, he would go to the party.

                                                          1.  I don’t feel con dent at interviews because my
               Duong:  Yeah, if there weren’t so many words,   English is not very good.
                      it would be easier for us to master it!
                                                             If my English _________________________________.
                                                          2.  Minh doesn’t read many English books because
                                                             she doesn’t have time.
               Look out!                                     If Minh ______________________________________.
               In a formal context, we normally use       3.  I think you should spend more time improving
               were instead of was:                          your pronunciation.
               If I were you, I would think more carefully about      If I were ______________________________________.
               the job. (more formal)                     4.   Mai  is  so  good  at  the  language  because  she
               If I was you, I would think more carefully about   has  some  friends  who  are  native  speakers  of
               the job. (more informal)                      English.
                                                             If Mai didn’t have _____________________________.
                                                          5.  We  can’t  o er  you  the  job  because  you  can’t
              b  Write  Yes  or  No  to  answer  the  questions   speak English.
                  about each sentence.                       If you could speak ____________________________.

            1.  If  Tien  had  an  IELTS  certi cate,  he  would  get
               the job.
                                                          Relative clauses
                  Does Tien have an IELTS certi cate? ______
            2.   If  our  English  teacher  weren’t  here,  we  wouldn’t   3 a  Read  part  of  the  conversation  from
               know what to do.                                 GETTING STARTED. Pay attention to the
                                                                underlined part.
                  Is the English teacher here now? ______
            3.   If we went to England this summer, we would have
               the chance to pick up a bit of English.       Teacher:   Question  one:  Is  English  the
               Is  it  possible  that  they  will  go  to  England  this   language which is spoken as a  rst
                                                                     language  by  most  people  in  the
               summer? ______
            4.   English would be easy to master if it didn’t have
               such a large vocabulary.
                 Is English easy to master? ______
            5.   If she used English more often, her English wouldn’t   REMEMBER!
               be so rusty.                                  A  relative  clause  is  introduced  by  a  relative
                                                             pronoun  such  as
                 Does she often use English? ______     Does she often use English? ______  pronoun  such  as  who,  whom,  which,  that,
                                                             whose, where, why
                                                             whose, where, why and when.

           35   Unit 9/ English in the World
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