Page 35 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 35
2 a Read the text again and match the
Reading headings (a-c) to the paragraphs (1-3).
1 Read the following text about English as a a. A changing language
means of international communication. Look b. A global language
at the words in the box, then nd them in the c. Learning English almost 24 hours a day
text and underline them. What do they mean?
b Read the text again and answer the
touchdown immersion
swimming pool
settlement touchdown check-out questions.
swimming pool
mix-up -up
full board
full boardd
pile-up es
full boar
derivativ establishment dominant 1. What has given the English language its
pile-up -up
dominance in the world today?
1 English has become a global language 2. What was the great growth of population in
thanks to its establishment as a mother the United States in the 19 and 20 centuries
tongue in all continents of the world. The assisted by?
English language mainly owes its dominant 3. What do English learners do in English immersion
status in the world to two factors. The fi rst schools?
is the export of the language, which began 4. What is Hinglish?
in the 17 century, with the fi rst settlement 5. How are new English words being invented
in North America. The second was the great every day all over the world?
growth of population in the United States,
which was assisted by massive immigration Speaking
in the 19 and 20 centuries.
3 Put the list of ways to improve your English
2 Nowadays, more and more people around in order of importance for you. Can you add
the world are learning English as a second any more ideas?
language and the way that they study it
is changing. In some countries, English a. taking tests
immersion schools have been built to
create all-English environments for English b. memorising English vocabulary
learners. In these ‘English communities’, c. writing emails and texts
learners do all their school subjects and
everyday activities, such as ordering food d. speaking for uency and not being
at the canteen, in English. corrected all the time
3 However, these new English speakers are e. listening to songs in English
not only learning the English language
but they are also changing it. There are f. reading English social media websites
hundreds of types of English in the world
today, such as ‘Singlish’, a mix of English, g. writing essays
Malay, Mandarin, etc or ‘Hinglish’, the
Indian mix of English and Hindi. New words h. imitating English pronunciation
are being invented every day all over the
world due to the free admissions of words 4 Work in groups. Compare your lists. Explain
from other languages and the easy creation your order.
of compounds and derivatives. 5 Work in pairs. Take one of the ideas from 3
and think about how you can achieve it.
A: I think we should try to imitate English
B: So then we should watch English videos online.
A: Good idea. We can pause the video and repeat.
B: We can even record ourselves and play it back.
38 Unit 9/ English in the World