Page 39 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 39

REVIEW 3 (UNITS 7 - 8 - 9)



           1 a  Mark the questions with falling, rising, or falling-  b Mark the sentences with falling
                rising arrows. Then listen, check, and repeat.       or  rising  arrows.  Then  listen,
                                                                     check, and repeat.
                         A:    What are you doing? Are you baking?
                         B:   Yes.  I’m  trying  a  recipe  for  Japanese  cotton   A:    This tour is cheap.
                           cheesecake.                               B:   That tour is cheaper.
                         A:   Japanese cotton cheesecake? Sounds strange.  A:   Let’s book that tour today.
                         B:   Right, but my friends say it’s really delicious.  B:   But the travel agent is closed today.
                         A:   Do they sell that kind of cake in bakeries?  A:   Tomorrow is  ne.
                         B:   Yes. But I want to make it myself.


           2 Fill  each  blank  with  a  word/phrase  from   3  Fill each blank with the correct form of the
              the box.                                       word given.

             tender       bilingual            stew               jet lag          full board                  1.  My brother trained to be a teacher,   GUIDANCE
             garnish             excursion    o  cial language         marinate   but  then  he  decided  to  become  a
                                                             tour ______.
           1.  Remember to ______ the sliced beef in a little oil   2.  If  you  want  to  pay  a  more  ______
              for half an hour before stir-frying. The beef will   price,  remember  to  book  the  tour   REASON
              be ______ that way.                            two weeks in advance.
           2.   I’m learning to ______ di erent dishes to make   3.  My  English  is  a  bit  ______.  I  haven’t
              them more attractive.                                                             RUST
                                                             used it for years.
           3.   You  should  ______  the  beef  for  an  hour  if  you
              want your grandparents to have it.          4.  My  grandfather  is  80  years  old,   FLUENCY
                                                             and he’s  ______ in both French and
           4.   My  best  friend  couldn’t  come  to  the  party
              because she was su ering from ______ after her   English.
              trip to the USA.                            5.  There is nothing more boring than a   SEASONAL
           5.   –   Are you going on a(n) ______ with your class   seaside town in the low ______.
                this Sunday?                              6.  To  make  a  carrot  cake  for  four
              –   Yes, we have one twice a year.             people,  you  need  200  grams  of   GRATE
           6.   –   Do you require half or ______?           ______ carrot.
              –   Half, please.
                                                          7.  When  you  place  food  over  boiling   STEAMER
           7.   I was born in Viet Nam and grew up in France.   water to cook, it means you ______ it.
              I  can  speak  both  Vietnamese  and  French,  so
              I’m ______.                                 8.  Someone  who  is  going  past  a
                                                             particular place is a ______-by.   PASS
           8.   –   What’s the ______ of  Canada?
              –   There are two: English and French.

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