Page 40 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 40

Grammar                                       5.    Your  brother  and  his  friends  are  planning  a
                                                            one-day  excursion  for  their  class.  They  don’t
           4 There is one mistake in the underlined words   know where to go and ask you for advice. Tell
             in these sentences. Find and correct it.       them. (WERE)
           1.   We had an excursion to the Lake Hudson, a     ____________________________________________
                 A                      B       C
             man-made reservoir in Oklahoma, last Sunday.  6 Combine each pair of sentences to make
                                           D                a  complete  sentence,  using  a  suitable
           2.   Don’t  put  too  much  garlic  in  the  salad;  two  relative pronoun.
                   A         B                           1.   Last  holiday  we  stayed  in  a  resort.  Mi
             bunches are enough.                            recommended it to us.
                  C        D                             →  ___________________________________________.
           3.   If  you  did  more  exercise,  your  muscles  will  be
             A                 B           C      D      2.   Some  people  talk  too  loudly  in  public  places.
             stronger.                                      I don’t like them.
           4.   Remember not to skip the breakfast because   →  ___________________________________________.
                        A            B                   3.   The  dishes  are  so  hot.  My  mother  has  cooked
              it’s the most important meal.                 them.
              C          D                               →  ___________________________________________.
           5.   I don’t like to eat out because it isn’t easy to  nd   4.   Last year I visited a small town. They  lmed The
                          A                       B         Little Girl there.
             a restaurant which have good food and service.  →  ___________________________________________.
                               C                 D       5.   Ms Mai was my teacher. I will never forget her.
           6.   She’s  uent in both English and French, but her
                       A                         B       →  ___________________________________________.
              Vietnamese is rusty even though she is
                                  C                      Everyday English
              the Vietnamese American.
                                       D                 7 Complete  each  short  dialogue  with  a
                                                            sentence in the box.
           5 What would you say in these situations?
             Use conditional structures and the words       A.  I’m not into science.
             given to write suitable sentences.               B.   I can’t wait to go camping with you again.
                                                            C.   But I’m starving.
                                                                                      D.  Lucky him.
           1.  Your  friend  wants  to  widen  his  English      E.   I can’t picture her in traditional costume.
             vocabulary.  You  think  it’s  best  to  read  short
             stories  in  English.  Give  him  some  advice.   1.  A:   Hey, don’t touch that! You have to wait for our
             (SHOULD)                                         grandparents before starting to eat.
              ____________________________________________        B:   (1)______. I haven’t eaten anything this morning.
           2.   Your sister wants to become a tour guide. Your   2.  A:  Why have you changed the channel?
             mum thinks she can succeed if she learns more
             about  history  and  culture.  Here  is  what  your      B:  (2)______. I prefer Eco-tourism on Channel 12.
             mum says to her. (CAN)                      3.  A:   Mi’s giving a presentation on Vietnamese foods
              ____________________________________________    at an international conference. She’s decided to
           3.   Your  cousin  wants  to  improve  her  English  and   wear ao dai.
             asks you which language centre she should go to.        B:  (3)______. She usually wears casual clothes.
             You think it’s possible to choose either The Sun or   4.  A:   We  are  going  camping  this  weekend.  Would
             The Shine. You tell her what you think. (MAY)    you like to join us?
              ____________________________________________       B:  Great! (4)______.
           4.   A  friend  asks  you  what  you  would  do  at  a   5.  A:   Phong  is  the  winner  of  our  English  speaking
             restaurant if you saw a  y in your soup. Answer   contest. He has been given  ve million dongs.
             his question. (IF)                               B:  (5)______.

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