Page 38 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 38

LOOKING BACK  Communication                                 Finished! Now I can…

           6 Choose A-E to complete the following conversation.
              Practise the conversation with your partner.   ●   use lexical items related to languages
                                                               and language use and learning
                                                             ●   identify the correct tones for new and
            Long:    I heard that you got an IELTS score   A.  I can speak English   known information and say sentences
                of 8.0?                   comfortably in almost   correctly
            Minh:   (1)______             any situation.     ●   use conditional sentences type 2
            Long:      Congratulations! Would you mind   B.    I often listened to   correctly and appropriately
                sharing with us your experience of   CDs and imitated the   ●   use relative clauses correctly and
                learning English?         pronunciation.       appropriately
            Minh:   (2)______                                ●   read for general and speci c
            Long:     How do you feel about your level of   C.  Not at all.  information about English as a means
                English now?            D.  That’s right!      of international communication
            Minh:   (3)______                                ●   talk about experiences in learning
            Long:     Really? What things did you do to   E.     I read and listened a   and using English
                improve your English outside class?  lot. I made friends and   ●   listen for general and speci c
            Minh:   (4)______             practised speaking   information about some students’
                                                               experiences in learning and using
                                          English with native
            Long:     And how did you improve your   English speakers.  languages
                pronunciation?                               ●   write a paragraph about the uses of
            Minh:   (5)______                                  English in everyday life


                                                                       BRITISH ENGLISH       VS    AMERICAN ENGLISH
           1  Read the chart and  ll the blanks with the words from the box.

              soccer    pavement   highway   rubbish   nappy    sweets     ashlight   underground

             at                           apartment      (4)______                        sidewalk

            taxi                           cab            motorway                         (5)______

            (1)______                      candies        (6)______                        subway

            football                       (2)______      (7)______                        garbage

            (3)______                      diaper         torch                            (8)______

           2  Choose two varieties of English. Write a similar   3  Organise an exhibition of the charts you have
              chart showing the di erences in vocabulary    made among your group or class members.
              between them.                                  Vote for the best.

           41   Unit 9/ English in the World
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