Page 48 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 48
4. This is the museum ______ has some of the COMMUNICATION
best rock collections in the country.
5. We’ll explore inland Sweden and visit the
summer house ______ Carin and Ola have
built themselves. Life on a space station
The International Space Station (ISS)
is a large spacecraft which was launched in
1998. It orbits the Earth and is the place where
astronauts live and conduct research in a
microgravity environment.
1 Put a tick ( ) under the things you think ISS
6. This is the year ______ the rst human astronauts do and a cross ( ) under the things
walked on the moon.
they don’t. Then read the text and check your
4 Combine each pair of sentences into one, answers.
using the prompts provided.
1. The class watched a lm yesterday. The lm
was about the Apollo 13 space mission.
→ The lm _______________________________.
2. We read about an astronaut. The astronaut
travelled into space in 1961.
→ We read about _________________________.
1. ______________________ 2. ______________________
3. This is the man. He works for NASA.
→ This is the man _________________________.
4. The team plays on the left. The team has
never won the championship.
→ The team ______________________________.
5. This article describes a ground-breaking
space mission to land on a comet. The
mission is called Rosetta. 3. ______________________ 4. ______________________
→ The ground-breaking space mission ______.
6. The Rosetta mission has a task. The task A Day in the Life of an Astronaut Aboard the
is comparable to a y trying to land on a International Space Station
speeding bullet.
→ The task _______________________________. 1. Astronauts sleep in sleeping bags. The
microgravity makes them weightless. They have
5 In pairs, use the information from to attach themselves so they don’t oat around.
the timeline to talk about someone,
something, or some moments in space 2. Hair is washed with a ‘rinseless’ shampoo that
exploration history. Don’t mention their does not need water. For toothbrushing, a small
exact name so that the other has to amount of water is used with toothpaste and
guess. then swallowed.
Example: 3. The crew spend their day doing science
A: It’s the dog that was the rst dog ever to y experiments. They also carry out checks for the
into space. maintenance of the station. The Mission Control
B: That’s Laika! Centre on Earth supports their operations.
52 Unit 10/ Space Travel