Page 10 - OBLICON Activity-Case Booklet
P. 10


          Case 8.0

             Joint and Solidary Obligation


                        Mr. Danny Ramos, owner of Danny‘s Grill (a fine dining restaurant),

             entered  into  a  contract  with  Chona  Romulo  and  Michael  Aldeguer

             (proprietors of CM Wine Company) with the following stipulation:

                        In  case  of  failure  to  deliver  the  agreed  150  bottles  of  Emperor‘s

             White Wine on or before December 30, 2007, Chona Romulo and Michael

             Aldeguer  shall  be  liable  to  Mr.  Danny  Ramos,  joint  and  severally,  for

             damages in the total amount of P100,000.00. CM Wine Company was not

             able to fulfill their obligation to Mr. Ramos. For three days that the wines

             were not delivered, many complaints arose from dining customers for wines

             ordered that were out of stock.

             Can Mr. Ramos only hold Mr. Aldeguer liable for damages?


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