Page 12 - OBLICON Activity-Case Booklet
P. 12



             Case 3.0: Requisites of Contract of Sale

             Legal Opinion:

                            The consent refers to the meeting of minds as when Mr. John

             Smith  (the  seller)  offered  Mr.  Danilo  Santos  to  sell  the  10  boxes  of

             Fundador Brandy at a price of P10,000 pesos per box and when Mr. Danilo

             Santos agreed to buy the said 10 boxes of Fundador Brandy at the price of

             P10,000 pesos per box.

                            The  object  or  subject  matter  refers  to  the  10  boxes  of

             Fundador Brandy at the price of P10,000 pesos per box. As to the seller,

             the cause is the price of P10,000 pesos per box. As to the buyer, the

             cause is the 10 boxes of Fundador Brandy. Consequently, as long as the

             three elements of a contract exist (consent, object, cause), the contract

             is generally valid and binding.
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