Page 11 - OBLICON Activity-Case Booklet
P. 11



          Case 1.0: Culpa-criminal & Quasi delict

          Legal Opinion:

          Yes,  Annabel  may  sue  the  driver  and  the  hotel  for  damages  on  the

          grounds of culpa criminal and culpa aquiliana/ quasi delict. The driver is liable

          for   culpa criminal or criminal negligence resulting to serious physical injury

          and civil liability for damages under art 100 of                                 the RPC. Furthermore, the

          employer or the hotel is liable for culpa aquiliana or quasi delict.

          Case 2.0: Valid Contract

          Legal Opinion:

          The  agreement  is  void  because  it  is  contrary  to  public  policy.  The

          agreement is clearly one in unreasonable restraint of trade. It is not necessary
          for the protection of A.  Besides, it would practically force B to get out of the

          country in order to obtain a livelihood in case should decline to give him a
          written permission to work elsewhere in the country
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