Page 40 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 40

Regulation OTAR Part 61 - Pilot Licences and Ratings

             OTAR.61.APP A           Licensing proficiency check items for aeroplanes
                                      1 Proficiency Check for Aeroplane Type/Class & ATPL
                                        1.1  Flight preparation
                                              1.1.1  Use of checklist prior to starting engines, starting procedures, radio and navigation
                                                   equipment check, selection and setting of navigation and communication
                                              1.1.2  Before take-off checks.
                                        1.2  Take-offs
                                            1.2.1* Take-offs with simulated engine failure between V1 and V2 (Flight Simulator Only)
                                              1.2.2.  Rejected take-off at a reasonable speed before reaching V1.
                                        1.3  Flight Manoeuvres and Procedures
                                              1.3.1  Normal and abnormal operations (A mandatory minimum of 3 abnormal shall be
                                                   selected from the following list):
                                                    -  Engine (if necessary propeller)
                                                    -  Pressurisation and air conditioning
                                                    -  Pitot/static system
                                                    -  Fuel system
                                                    -  Electrical system
                                                    -  Hydraulic system
                                                    -  Flight control and Trim-system
                                                    -  Anti- and de-icing system, Glare shield heating
                                                    -  Autopilot/Flight director
                                                    -  Stall warning devices or stall avoidance devices, and stability augmentation
                                                    -  Ground proximity warning system Weather radar, radio altimeter,
                                                    -  Radios, navigation equipment, instruments, flight management system
                                                    -  Landing gear and brake
                                                    -  Slat and flap system
                                                    -  Auxiliary power unit.
                                              1.3.2  Abnormal and emergency procedures (A mandatory minimum of 3 items shall be
                                                   selected from the following list):
                                                    -  Fire drills e.g. Engine, APU, cabin, cargo compartment, flight deck, wing and
                                                       electrical fires including evacuation.
                                                    -  Smoke control and removal
                                                    -  Engine failures, shut-down and restart at a safe height
                                                    -  Fuel dumping (simulated)
                                                    -  Windshear at take off/landing (Flight Simulator only)
                                                    -  Simulated cabin pressure failure/emergency descent
                                                    -  Incapacitation of flight crew member
                                                    -  Other emergency procedures as outlined in the appropriate aeroplane Flight
                                                    -  ACAS event (Flight Simulator only).
                                              1.3.3  * Instrument flight procedures - Adherence to departure and arrival routes and ATC
                                              1.3.4  * Instrument flight procedures - Precision approaches down to a decision height
                                                   (DH) not less than 60 m (200 ft) manually, with one engine simulated inoperative;
                                                   engine failure has to be simulated during final approach from not less than four miles
                                                   from the threshold until touchdown or through the complete missed approach
                                                   procedure In aeroplanes which are not certificated as EASA–large aeroplanes or
                                                   FAR-transport category aeroplanes (CS25/FAR 25) or as normal category
                                                   aeroplanes (FAR 23); the approach with simulated engine failure and the ensuing go-
                                                   around shall be initiated in conjunction with the non-precision approach as described
                                                   in paragraph 3.5. The go-around shall be initiated when reaching the published
                                                   obstacle clearance height/altitude (OCH/A), however, not later than reaching a
                                                   minimum descent height/altitude (MDH/A) of 500 ft above runway threshold
                                                   elevation. In aeroplanes having the same performance as a transport category
                                                   aeroplane regarding take-off mass and density altitude, the instructor may simulate
                                                   the engine failure in accordance with paragraph 3.4.
                                              1.3.5  * Instrument flight procedures - NDB or VOC/LOC-approach down to the MDH/A.
                                        1.4  Missed Approach Procedures

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