Page 41 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 41

Regulation OTAR Part 61 - Pilot Licences and Ratings

                                              1.4.1  * Manual go-around with the critical engine simulated inoperative after an instrument
                                                   approach on reaching DH, MDH or MAPt
                                        1.5  Landings
                                              1.5.1  Landing with critical engine simulated inoperative.
                                      * The starred items shall be flown solely by reference to instruments. If this condition is not met during the
                                      skill test or proficiency check, the type rating will be restricted to VFR only.

                                      2 Proficiency Check on Single-Engine and Multi-Engine Single-Pilot Aeroplanes
                                        2.1  Departure
                                              2.1.1  Pre-start checks: External/internal.
                                              2.1.2  Engine starting: Normal and malfunctions.
                                              2.1.3  Taxiing.
                                              2.1.4  Pre-departure checks: Engine run-up (if applicable).
                                              2.1.5  Climbing: Vx/Vy, turns onto headings and level off.
                                        2.2  Air work (VMC)
                                              2.2.1  Steep turns (360° left and right at 45° bank).
                                              2.2.2  Stalls and recovery including:
                                                    -  clean stall
                                                    -  Approach to stall in descending turn with bank with approach configuration
                                                       and power
                                                    -  Approach to stall in landing configuration and power
                                                    -  Approach to stall, climbing turn with take-off flap and climb power (single
                                                       engine aeroplane only).
                                              2.2.3  Handling using autopilot and flight director (may be conducted in Section 3) if
                                        2.3  Instrument flight
                                              2.3.1  * Departure IFR.
                                              2.3.2  * En route IFR.
                                              2.3.3  * Holding procedures.
                                              2.3.4  * ILS to DH/A of 200 ft (60 m) or to procedure minima (autopilot may be used to
                                                   glideslope intercept).
                                              2.3.5  * Non-precision approach to MDH/A and MAP.
                                              2.3.6  * Flight exercises including simulated failure of the compass and attitude indicator:
                                                   Rate 1 turns and recoveries from unusual attitudes.
                                        2.4  Arrival and landings
                                              2.4.1  Aerodrome arrival procedure.
                                              2.4.2  Normal landing.
                                              2.4.3  Flapless landing.
                                              2.4.6  Go-around from minimum height.
                                        2.5  Abnormal and emergency procedures
                                            (This Section may be combined with Sections 1 to 4).
                                              2.5.1  Rejected take-off at a reasonable speed.
                                              2.5.2  Simulated engine failure after take-off (single engine aeroplanes only).
                                              2.5.3  Simulated forced landing without power (single engine aeroplanes only).
                                        2.6  Simulated asymmetric flight
                                            (This Section may be combined with Sections 1 to 5).
                                              2.6.1  * Simulated engine failure during take-off (at a safe altitude unless carried out in FS
                                                   or FNPT II).
                                              2.6.2  * Asymmetric approach and go-around.
                                              2.6.3  * Asymmetric approach and full stop landing.

                                      * The starred items of section 3 and, for multi-engine Section 6, shall be flown solely by reference to
                                      instruments if revalidation/renewal of an instrument rating is included in the proficiency check. If the starred
                                      items are not flown solely by reference to instruments during the proficiency check, and when there is no
                                      crediting of instrument rating privileges, the type/class rating will be restricted to VFR only.

             OTAR.61.APP B           Licensing proficiency check items for helicopters
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