Page 44 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 44

Regulation OTAR Part 61 - Pilot Licences and Ratings

                                                    -  Tail rotor control failure (if applicable)
                                                    -  Tail rotor loss (if applicable – Flight Simulator or Flight Training Device to be
                                                       used for this exercise)
                                                    -  Transmission malfunction
                                                    -  Other emergency procedures as outlined in the appropriate Flight Manual.

                                        2.5  Instrument Flight Procedures (to be performed in IMC or simulated IMC)
                                              2.5.1  Simulated engine failure during departure.
                                              2.5.2  Adherence to departure and arrival routes and ATC instructions.
                                              2.5.3  Manually, with one engine simulated inoperative. (Engine failure has to be simulated
                                                   during final approach not less than four miles before landing area or until completion
                                                   of the missed approach procedure).
                                              2.5.4  Non-precision approach down to the minimum descent altitude MDA/H.
                                              2.5.5  Go-around with one engine simulated inoperative on reaching DA/DH or MDA/MDH.
                                              2.5.6  IMC autorotation with power recovery.
                                              2.5.7  Recovery from unusual attitudes.

                                      * The starred items shall be flown in actual or simulated IMC, only by applicants wishing to renew or
                                      revalidate an IR(H), or extend the privileges of that rating to another type.

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