Page 798 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 798
~ Regulation SPO - ANNEX VIII - Specialised Operations n trik
11> l<elatrve t ime count
le Global navigation '"'tellite system (GNSS) time synchronisation
2 Pre.s:sure altitude
3 Indicated air<peed; or ca librated airspeed
4 Heading (primary flight crew reference) - when t rue or magnetic heading can be
selected. the primary heading refere nce, a discrete indicating selection, should be
5 Normal acceleration
6 Pitch attitude
7 Roll attitude
8 Manual radio transmission keying and CVR/ FOR synchronisation reference.
9 Engine thrust/power
9• Parameters req uired to determine propulsive tlirust/pm. 11er on each engine
9b Flight crew com partment thrust/power lever position for aeroplanes with no
mechanical link between engine and flight crew compartment))
14 Total or outside air temperatu re
16 Longitudinal acceleration (body axis)
17 Lateral acceleration
13 Primary fl ight control surface and/or primary flight cont rol pilot input (for aeroplanes
wtth control systems in which movement of a control surfacewill back drive the pilot's
control, 'or' applies. Fo r aeroplanes w ith control systems in w hich movement of a
control surface wi ll not back drive the pilot's control, 'and' applies. For multiple or
split surfaces., a suirable combination of inputs is acceptable instead of recording each
su rface separately . For aeroplanes that have a flight control brea k-away capability
that allows either pilot to operate the controls independently, record bot h ioputs):
13a Pitch axis
13b Roll axis
13c Yaw axis
19 Pitch t rim surface position
23 M arker beacon pas:.s.age
24 Warnings - in addition to t he master warning each 'red' w arn ing (including smoke
warnings. from other compa rtments) should be recorded when the warning condition
cannot be determined from other parameters or from the CVR
25 Each navigation receiver frequency selection
27 Air-ground status. Air-ground status and a sensor of each landing gear if installed
The number in the left hand column reflects t he s.erial number depicted in EUROCAE E0-
Table 2: Aeroplanes for which the data source for the parameter i:s either used by aeroplane
:systems or is available on t he instrument panel for use by the flight rrew to operate the
No' Parameter
10 Flaps
10a Trailing edge flap position
10b Flight crew compartment control selectjon
11 Slats
11.a Leading edge flap (slat) position
llb Flight crew compartment control selection
12 Thrust reverse status
13 Ground spoiler and speed brake.:
13a Ground spoiler position
13b Ground spoiler :selection
13c Speed brake position
13d Speed brake selection
15 Autopilot, autothrottle, automatic Hight control system {AFCS) mode and
eragagement status
20 Radio altitude. For autolarad/Category Ill operations, each radio altimeter should be
21 Vertical deviatio n - the approach aid in use should be r ecorded. For
autoland/category Ill operations, each syste m should be recorded.
21a ILS/GPS/GLS glide path
21b MLS elevation
21c Integrated approacl, navigation (IAN)/integrated area navigation (IRNAV), vertical
22 Horizontal deviation - tile approach aid in use :should be recorded. For autola nd/CAT
Ill operations, each system should be recorded. It is acceptable t o arrange t hem so
that at least one is recorded every second).
20th November 2021 798 of 856