Page 155 - Sanidhya 2024
P. 155
Empower Yourself:
A journey for your mental health
In a world that often pressurizes us to conform and prioritize the needs of others,
embarking on the journey to empower yourself can seem overwhelming. However, fighting for
yourself is not merely an act of defiance; it is a crucial process of self-discovery and personal
growth. This journey has the potential to transform your life in profound ways.
Fighting for yourself begins with self-assertiveness. It involves recognizing your worth,
understanding your needs and having the courage to prioritize them. This is particularly
important in environments where voices are often criticized or silenced. By asserting your
Avika Singh
boundaries, you send a clear message to others that your time, energy, and emotions hold Class – 12th E
value, reinforcing your sense of self-worth. CRPF Public School, Rohini
Saying “no” to others often means saying “yes” to yourself. Therefore, fighting for yourself also requires
self-compassion. Be kind and patient with yourself as you navigate this path. Understand that it is okay to make
mistakes, feel uncertain, or experience discomfort at times. Treat yourself with the same kindness and consideration
you would offer to others and recognize that you are your most important advocate.
This fight is not just a personal struggle, it is a vital part of living a fulfilled and authentic life. By embracing
self-assertiveness, setting healthy boundaries, overcoming fears, building resilience and practicing self-compassion,
you equip yourself to face life’s challenges with confidence and grace.
Remember, your voice matters. In fighting for yourself, you are not only shaping your own future but also
inspiring others to do the same. Take the first step today—your future self will thank you.
Khushi - VIII NEIL - IX