Page 157 - Sanidhya 2024
P. 157
Importance of Mental Health
“Health is Wealth”, both physical and mental health teachers, and mobile may cause
have their own significance in life. Mental health is an stress and depression. Youngsters
indispensable factor in a human’s life. One should take face extreme stress from social
care of their mental health just like physical health. It is media platforms, mostly due to
an essential part of overall health and wellbeing. games. Adults face these problems
from their work or lifestyle.
Why is mental health important ?
Mental Health is more than just the absence of mental Financial and occupational issues
illness. It varies from person to person. It helps us to cause stress in adults. Childhood Adithya Biju
Class- XI A
deal with stress, anxiety, depression and so much more. is another factor that is causing CRPF Public School Rangareddy
One with good mental health can deal with the stress stress.
of life easily. It makes one capable of making healthy A traumatic childhood may lead to serious mental
decisions and choices. It also helps in finding one’s Issues. Children may also become mentally weak by
potential and building truthful relationships. It plays hearing rude and brutal words from their parents. A
a major role in physical health too, a mentally healthy child with a good atmosphere will be mentally stable
person deals with any physical issues valiantly. and healthy whereas the one who had trauma will be
mentally unstable and this leads to various crimes in
In student’s Life the future.
Mental Health is very important for students. It will
impact their academics and also give them the ability to How to recover mental health
function well in school and at home. Mentally healthy One can recover their mental health by figuring out the
students are more likely to engage in co-curricular problems that they’re facing in life. Figuring out things
activities and will be tension free during exam times. will make life easy and calm. Self-care is another thing
They’ll also have a great bond with teachers, school that can make one healthy and fit. One should be true
peers and staff. They’ll be socially active too. to themself and challenge their own limits. Finding a
solution to their own problems will make them regain
Causes of Mental Illness control over their life.
Mental illness can be caused by many reasons including
genetics, stress, depression, anxiety etc. Illness caused Practicing meditation and yoga will also keep one’s
by genetics can’t be completely cured, it can only be mind calm and healthy thereby reducing stress and
treated with love and medicines. Stress, depression, unwanted anxiety. Positive thinking is another factor
anxiety, childhood traumas are some other reasons for that’ll help you to keep your mind healthy. Focus on
mental illness. These things cause mental instability. good and positive things in life and give enough value
In students, it is mostly due to strong competition in to your mental health, you’ll be able to regain your
academics or from overuse of social media platforms. mental stability.
The pressure caused by themselves or by parents,