Page 5 - Sept2021-Wilson_NEWS_Neat
P. 5
Injury prevention at work is
not luck. It takes careful task
analysis, intentional
implementation, and Injury Prevention
commitment from task start
to completion. Plan the work
then work the plan.
As Employee Owners, we
By Brian Neely
need to understand that
each of us has an important role to play in the success of
our company, when it comes to injury prevention. Our most
common injury is sprains and strains, how can we reduce
those injuries?
Ø Make sure that Stretch and Flex, is not just going
through the motions, really prepare your muscles and
tendons for the work ahead.
Ø When performing strenuous activities, take a moment to re-stretch, this is also a good
time to re-examine the task plan.
Ø For lifts heavier than 50lbs. or awkward items, be sure you have two people.
Ø SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. Site safety is a team effort, by speaking you can help
prevent an injury.
How can we prevent other common types of injuries?
Ø Wear the PPE needed for the task.
Ø Use your ladder the correct way.
Ø Use fall protection when needed. Fall protection saves lives!
Ø Put yourself in a position to succeed, make sure you are aware of your surroundings.
Thanks for all you do every day
to make sure you and your fellow
workers go home safe.