Page 8 - Sept2021-Wilson_NEWS_Neat
P. 8

Four Tribes Construction Services awarded
                                                            Wilson Electric the subcontract to upgrade and
                                                            repair the electrical distribution and electronic

                                                            equipment at JITCs Fort Huachuca electronic test

                                                            facility. The project owner is DOD, Defense
                                                            Information Systems Agency (DISA) Joint
                                                            Interoperability Test Command (JITC) and the

                                                            owner's rep is the United States Army Corps of
                                                            Engineers (USACE).

                                                            This project is nearing completion and has

                                                            consisted of selective demolition and installation

                                                            of 25 electrical panels, an EMI filter, two UPS
           Joint Interoperability                           systems, and a DC power plant.

           Test Command (JITC)                              Unique installations, access restrictions, security

           Electrical Renovations                           requirements, and coordinating electrical outages
                                                            alongside mission critical tests has been
           Fort Huachuca, Arizona
                                                            challenging. Even with these challenges, I cannot
                                                            begin to express how proud I am of the work we

                                                            are doing on this project. Those who have had
           About DISA, Mission, & Vision:
                                                            the opportunity to work in Federal construction
           “We plan, engineer, acquire, test,
                                                            will appreciate the following subtle accolades our
           field, operate and assure
                                                            team has received:
           information-sharing capabilities,
           command and control solutions                          “Wilson Electric will get the job done as

           and a global enterprise                                        they always do.”-USACE

           infrastructure to support DoD and                    “Thanks for leaning forward and continually
           national-level leadership. To                        looking for ways to provide the best project
           conduct DODIN operations for the                  possible for JITC – it is noted and appreciated.” -

           joint warfighter to enable lethality                                      USACE
           across all warfighting domains in
                                                            Foreman-Juan Martinez, Leadman-Daniel
           defense of our Nation. To be the
                                                            Kaeppel, Ernesto Verdugo, and Bobby Kirkendall.
           trusted provider to connect and
                                                            Thank you for your hard work, craftsmanship, and
           protect the warfighter in
                                                            continued commitment to the successful
           cyberspace.” -DISA.MIL
                                                            completion of this project.
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