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18 Famous Halloween Quotes
Famous Halloween Quotes “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and “I was working in the lab late one night/When
caldron bubble.” – From Shakespeare’s Macbeth my eyes beheld an eerie sight/For my monster
and Sayings to Get You in from his slab began to rise/And suddenly to my
“It’s Halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good surprise. He did the mash/He did the monster
the Holiday Spirit
scare.” – Brackett, Halloween (1978) mash/The monster mash/It was a graveyard
smash. He did the mash/It caught on in a
Halloween only rolls around once each year, but “Oh look, another glorious morning. Makes me flash/He did the mash/He did the monster
it can be celebrated for an entire month through sick!” – Winifred Sanderson, Hocus Pocus mash.” – Song by Bobby “Boris” Pickett
store-bought or last-minute Halloween (1993)
costumes, must-watch Halloween movies on “I’m a homicidal maniac, they look just like
Netflix, Halloween quotes or sayings, and more. “Be afraid ... Be very afraid.” – Ronnie, The Fly everyone else.” – Wednesday, The Addams
As soon as October arrives, it’s time to break out (1986) Family (1991) []
the pumpkin spice everything and lean into
spooky, funny, Halloween-ready movies and “I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange
books. (You may even toss some Halloween journey.” – The Criminologist, The Rocky
puns around.) Horror Picture Show (1975)
You may have a few Halloween quotes
or Halloween sayings memorized, but you also “Magic is really very simple, all you’ve got to
might be struggling for a spooky greeting or do is want something and then let yourself have
searching for a cute Halloween quote to use as a it.” – Aggie Cromwell, Halloweentown (1998)
caption on your seasonal Instagram post. If
you’re in the latter category, we’ve got you “When the spooks have a midnight
covered with this roundup of some of the best jamboree/They break it up with fiendish
Halloween quotes, sayings, and phrases around. glee/The ghosts are bad but the one that’s
We turned to classic literature, modern cursed/Is the headless horseman; he’s the
spooky cinematic masterpieces, and other worst/That’s right, he’s a fright on Halloween
appropriately spooky sources to find the best night! When he goes a joggin’ ‘cross the
quotes and sayings to get you in the Halloween land/Holding his noggin in his hand/Demons
spirit. Just use them sparingly throughout take one look and groan/And they hit the road to
October—you don’t want to expend all your parts unknown/Beware, take care he rides
spooky energy before Halloween even hits. Save alone!” - From “The Headless Horseman,” The
the best quote for last, and remember that a Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1949)
picture is worth a thousand words: A few solid
pumpkin carving stencils can do a lot to put you “I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that
(and any visitors, ghostly or otherwise) in the any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly.” –
holiday spirit.