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Best Halloween TV Episodes of All Time 23
The Best Halloween TV
Episodes of All Time
Continued from Page 22
14. Stranger Things — "Trick or Treat,
Stranger Things is, in and of itself, a
fairly spooky show, but there's a special sort of
charm to the second episode of season 2, "Trick
or Treat, Freak" Not only does the episode pose
as an important moment for Will's struggle with
his lingering connection to The Upside Down , it
also touches on that poignant period between
childhood and adulthood when you still want to
trick or treat but aren't sure it's cool anymore. It's
a moment of reality in a deeply supernatural
show that makes everything that comes after hit
closer to home.
15. How I Met Your Mother — "Slutty
There's something special about a
missed connection - the what could have been
and the never was that give the moment a sense
of gravity. People are willing to go a long way to
get back to the path untraveled, but few are quite
as dedicated as Ted in the season one episode,
19. Boy Meets World — "And Then There 22. BoJack Horseman — "Mr.
"Slutty Pumpkin." After meeting a girl in a
Was Shawn" Peanutbutter's Boos"
pumpkin costume at the building's rooftop
Okay, "And Then There Was Shawn" This episode of BoJack Horseman uses
Halloween party years before, Ted continues
isn't technically a Halloween episode - it Mr. Peanutbutter's annual Halloween party as a
donning the same costume every year (a
originally aired in February - but the slasher film plot device. It flashes through four of its
"hanging chad" costume that hasn't aged well)
theme is right on point and takes full advantage incarnations, starting with a 1993 bash and
and retuning to the party in the hopes of meeting
of the scary movie renaissance that was ending with a 2018 celebration. This is BoJack,
up with her again.
happening during the show's fifth season. The so although there's plenty of Halloween fun—
episode plays out inside Shawn's head as he the 90s costumes, in particular, are a delight—it
16. Pretty Little Liars — "The First Secret"
deals with the breakup of his two best friends, also comes with a dollop of melodrama, as Mr.
The endless, twisting mysteries of Pretty
playing with all of the genre tropes and casting Peanutbutter's mistakes and regrets are laid bare.
Little Liars are enough to draw in even the most
each member of the group as an archetype - the
teen drama-averse, and this season two episode
virgin, the final girl, the scream queen, the 23. Los Espookys — "El Laboratorio
offers up clues in spades. Set as a flashback to
movie buff - along with a brilliant cameo by I Alienigena (The Alien Lab)"
before the show's first season, the episode shows
Know What You Did Last Summer's Jennifer The Los Espookys crew realize
what life and the Liars were like before the
Love Hewitt. Halloween-style scenarios for a living, so just
villainous "A" showed up. It also poses
about every episode will get you in the spooky
tantalizing hints of things yet to come - because
20. 30 Rock — "Stone Mountain" spirit—even if they're not celebrating the
what's more Halloween than a murder mystery?
This is one of the all-time classic 30 holiday, per se. The show's trademark mixture of
Rock episodes—and not only because it inspired absurdity, memorable one-liners (in both
17. Glee — "The Rocky Horror Glee Show"
a generation to call Pepto Bismol "Peppy English and Spanish), and homemade horror is
For a show about glee club, a Rocky
Bismilk." (To quote Liz Lemon, "Why is also ever-present; but in "El Laboratorio
Horror Picture Show riff was almost inevitable,
everything just a little different here?!") While Alienigena," the costumes are particularly
and we are all the better for it. Featuring
the cast and crew prepare to celebrate Halloween-friendly. []
selections from the cult classic musical
Halloween back home, Liz and Jack take a trip
guaranteed to get stuck in your head, in this
to Kenneth's hometown, thanks to Jack's notion
season two episode the glee club tries to put on
that they should find a new cast member in "real
an adaptation of the film as a school play, but it's
America." To absolutely no one's surprise,
not just the teens who are getting in on this act.
things do not go as planned.
18. New Girl — "Halloween"
21. Sabrina the Teenage Witch — "A River
In the season two episode "Halloween"
of Candy Corn Runs Through It"
the gang has to face the scariest thing of all:
Sabrina the Teenage Witch is pretty
commitment. While Jess tries to decide if she
Halloween-y year-round, but the show always
has real feelings for her casual fling, Nick
pulled out all the stops for its spooky specials. In
accidentally winds up in a serious relationship
this episode—definitely a fan-favorite—Sabrina
with an old college flame; Winston sees that his
finds herself hosting her non-magical friends for
relationship may be ending, Schmidt is forced to
accept that Cece isn't single anymore. It all an All Hallows' Eve party, but has some trouble
keeping her house's witchy side hidden.And as a
comes to a head in the most New Girl way
Halloween bonus, 10,000 Maniacs perform! (It's
possible - at Jess's haunted house.
easy to forget, but Sabrina had it all.)