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24           Did Castro OK The Kennedy Assassination?

                Did Castro OK The

            Kennedy Assassination?

            Incriminating new evidence has
          come to light in KGB files and the
             authors' interviews of former

            Cuban intelligence officers that
            indicates Fidel Castro probably
             knew in advance of Oswald's

                     intent to kill JFK.

              by Gus Russo | Stephen Molton

          On September 24, 1964, a copy of the official
          Warren Commission Report was delivered to
          President Lyndon Johnson in the Oval Office.
          Its conclusions were, in hindsight, as accurate as
                                                          fundamentally different visions of freedom.    right around the time that Jack Kennedy was
          possible, given the commission's impossibly
                                                          Initially, some saw a natural kinship between  first elected to Congress.
          short investigative calendar and its utter lack of
                                                          John E Kennedy and Fidel Castro, but they were        Fidel overcame his “rustic” upbringing
          foreign intelligence. It named, correctly, Lee
                                                          each in the grip of the new cold war's paradigm,  to be reasonably well liked at El Colegio de
          Harvey Oswald as the lone shooter,
                                                          one of strictly defined opposites. In many ways,  Belen in Havana. But the priests who taught
          hypothesizing that in shooting John F. Kennedy
                                                          the young Jack Kennedy was not much different  there sensed a certain moral indifference in him.
          he had been lashing out for reasons only he
                                                          from the young Fidel Castro. Both had been     His temper could be savage. He accepted
          knew.  The report found “no evidence of a
                                                          dominated and manipulated by their fathers.    leadership from no one, taking only the wise
          conspiracy.”                                    Where Joe Sr. had acquired his millions as a   counsel of one brilliant priest named Llorente.
                 A few weeks later, President Johnson's
                                                          scheming, streetwise Irish outsider,  Angel    By the time he moved on to the University of
          hidden tape recorder captured a phone
                                                          Castro lived as a gentrified peasant, self-made  Havana, he arrived dressed like a businessman,
          conversation with Senator Richard Russell, the
                                                          and considered rich on his own turf but still a  albeit with a lounge lizard's flair for excess, and
          old Dixiecrat whom he had pressured to be on
                                                          lowly Guajiro in the eyes of the Cuban         quickly learned to negotiate the thuggish politics
          the Warren Commission.
                                                          aristocracy. Their talented sons had leaped over  that thrived there.
                 “I don't believe it,” Russell said about
                                                          decades, even centuries of class prejudice to         The stately Harvard campus did not
          the report's conclusions. “I don't either,”
                                                          become leaders by sheer force of personality.  foster the political trench warfare that the
          admitted the president.
                                                          They were intellectually curious, articulate,  University of Havana did, and Jack Kennedy's
                 Around the same time, Johnson was on     easy in the company of men, and attracted to the  psychological issues were certainly not as
          the phone with his old friend Mike Mansfield,
                                                          spotlight.                                     aggravated, but he too underwent a
          the majority leader of the Senate. The president
                                                                 Both Jack and Fidel came from large     transformation as he made his way out of
          divulged what few in Congress had been briefed
                                                          Catholic families, and both of their fathers made  school, through the war, and into a campaign for
          about: “There's a good deal of feeling that
                                                          a sport of bedding women out of wedlock. Joe   Congress in 1946.  The unpretentious, honest,
          maybe the Cuba thing. Johnson's voice trailed
                                                          Sr. kept his mistresses out of sight in hotel  and egalitarian PT boat commander of  World
          off for a moment. He was always careful not to
                                                          rooms, at the penthouses of trusted friends, or  War II gave way to a cooler peer of the realm, a
          be too definite on the subject. "Oswald was
                                                          on his private yacht.  Angel took his lovers   man whose charm became more calculating. He
          messing around in Mexico with the Cubans.”
                                                          wherever he desired them, including in his own  was capable of kindness, and he understood,
                 Johnson had handpicked the members of    home.                                          intellectually, that power could improve the
          the Warren Commission and directed its focus.
                                                                 Fidel, Raul, and their siblings had been  lives of those less fortunate. But one of his
          Could it be that he and his attorney general,
                                                          born to Angel's housekeeper while she worked   lovers of long standing noted his “tremendous
          Robert Kennedy, believed there might be details
                                                          for his wife, and Angel made no secret of the  acceptance of inequality at every level. . . . That
          that should remain hidden to keep the American
                                                          small shack full of his offspring, who lived just  was absolutely acceptable.” He seemed content
          public calm in the wake of the tragedy in
                                                          out of sight of the casa grande. It was not until  to believe that “people who are different have
          Dallas?  The fact was, Lyndon Johnson never
                                                          Fidel was seventeen years old that  Angel      different responses. The pain of poor people is
          would believe the conclusions of the  Warren
                                                          recognized him as his legal offspring. Fidel   different from 'our' pain.”
          Commission Report. His staunch contention
                                                          loathed him.                                          It was Jack and Fidel's younger
          would always be that “Oswald was a                     Still,  Angel knew that Fidel was       brothers—the naturally empathetic ones, Bobby
          Communist agent.” A year before his death, in
                                                          exceptional and would grant him special        and Raul—who schooled the older ones in their
          1972, Johnson finally started revealing his
                                                          privileges, sending him to the country's best  humanity.  When Jack made his run for the
          secret to people outside his close circle, telling
                                                          preparatory school, keeping him in natty       presidency, it was Bobby who tutored him in the
          George    Weidenfeld,    publisher   of   his
                                                          clothes, and furnishing him with a car as he   nuances of  American poverty and injustice.
          autobiography, that one day he would prove the
                                                          approached his college years. Fidel's sister   When Fidel made his first triumphal tour of the
          Oswald-Castro connection. But there weren't
                                                          Juanita noted that he treated the peasants on the  United States after he had vanquished the
          enough days left at that point for Johnson to
                                                          Castro plantation with the same cruelty as his  dictator Fulgencio Batista, it was Raul who
          expose the truth.
                                                          father did. “There were a lot of employees     waylaid him in a Houston hotel and berated him
                 A conspiracy of silence would keep the
                                                          working on the farm and serving at the house,”  for not telling Americans that he was a Marxist.
          facts hidden until now, 63 years later, when
                                                          she reported—nearly 1,000 people in all—but    The garrulous yet emotionally remote older boys
          evidence from a variety of different sources,
                                                          “Fidel never took care of these people. On the  gained depth in the presence of their kid
          many of them newly available, can be pieced
                                                          contrary, he criticized my father for being too  brothers, but conversely, they were also pushed
          together to tell the real story for the first time.
                                                          generous with them.” He made no public         to positions of passionate intransigence, too.
                 Two charismatic leaders prevailed over
                                                          declaration on behalf of the poor until he joined
          the  Western Hemisphere in the early 1960s,
                                                          Cuba's leftward drift in his early twenties—                          (Continued on Page 25)
          both men having risen to power with two
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