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Halloween Safety Tips For Pets 21
The Top Halloween faster. Regardless of the dog's size, they won't be Candles and Flames
able to get the bag off their head once it’s stuck.
Dangers for Dogs & Cats The same goes for candy bags that hold Hate to break it to you, but your conjuration
individual, or “fun size,” treats. Even if they’re ritual probably isn’t going to summon any actual
empty, a dog’s curious nose is more than enough spirits. Now that we’ve got that out of the way,
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to cause them to poke their head in and explore. go ahead and ditch the real candles (the dark
While this is definitely more of a dog danger, lord won’t be insulted). Curious cats and dogs
While many people are aware of the danger
there are reported cases each year of cat can easily brush against the open flame of a
chocolate poses to dogs, the same danger for
suffocation as well. So be aware and take candle, resulting in severe and painful burns and
cats is far less publicized. Granted, cats are less
precautions. possibly even lighting your home on fire. And
likely to chow down on a Hershey’s, but the
To keep your dog or cat and all other anyone with cats can verify their curiosity even
theobromine in chocolate is just as toxic for cats
neighborhood pets safe from the dangers of in the face of flames. It takes one candle on a
as it is for dogs. And perhaps even more so, as
suffocation, cut or tear the empty bags twice hearth being knocked over to start a house fire.
cats are typically much smaller than many of the (once along the bottom and once down a side), If you want to set the mood for your Halloween
dogs that do chow down on chocolate. For to make it a flat sheet, and throw them away in séance, keep the candles flameless and opt for
instance, did you know that as little as one ounce sealed trash containers. If the trick-or-treaters in the LED variety instead.
of dark chocolate is enough to require
your family come back with snack bags, make
emergency veterinary care for a 10-pound cat?
sure they do the same with those as well. Other Halloween Dangers for Pets
For pets with pre-existing heart disease
or seizure conditions, the concern is even higher, Haunted House? Halloween
as these are two of the big “target organs” for the If you’re a popular stop on your neighborhood’s
toxic effects of chocolate. Understanding these Decor Dangers trick-or-treating route, your door is going to be
factors, as well as the importance of the blowing up on Halloween night. The constant
knocking, doorbell ringing, and parade of
theobromine concentration, could mean the Fake Spider Webs and Other
difference between checking in with your vet if strangers can really stress out a dog or a cat,
Decorations which can lead to a reduced appetite, digestive
your Great Dane eats an M&M or rushing to the
upset, or even aggression. Awareness and safe
ER if your Corgi gets into a stash of dark
Both dogs and cats tend to explore new things containment is your best bet in keeping your pet
chocolate bars. And keep in mind that it’s not
with their mouths, and that could include your safe and lowering their stress.
just the toxic effects of theobromine that makes
Halloween decorations. A curious cat may ingest
chocolate dangerous to your pets — chocolate
also has a high fat content, which can lead to fake spider webs or even the rubber spiders. A Prevent Door Dashing
digestive upset and pancreatitis, adding not just bored dog will do the same, as well old
pumpkins, corn, or other autumnal vegetables. It’s best to keep your dog or cat in a back room
insult, but additional injury to injury.
Any of these common Halloween items can of the home in their safe space where the
obstruct your dog or cat’s digestive tract commotion won’t bother them and to keep them
(stomach and/or intestines), which requires from dashing out the door. You might also try
costly and invasive surgery to remove the placing your dog in a crate or carrier that’s filled
First, can we all agree that handing out raisins on obstruction. At the very least, eating something
Halloween should be a federal crime? But if with plenty of toys or interactive feeders and
like fake spider webs can leave your pets feeling food puzzles to keep them entertained.
anyone in your home does come back with a box
pretty lousy. For cats, it’s best to always keep your
of raisins, it could be more of a problem than
Glow sticks and glow jewelry can be as furry feline indoors in the days leading up to and
just crappy “treats.” If a dog (and possibly some
dangerous to cats as they are alluring. While the during the actual Halloween night festivities —
cats) gets into them, grapes, raisins, and currants
dibutyl phthalate contained inside isn’t likely to there are some great food puzzles made
can lead to acute kidney failure. We don’t know
be very toxic in low doses, it can definitely be especially for cats to keep them busy. Aside
which pets will be susceptible to the toxic effects
quite irritating to your cat’s skin and eyes. This from all the normal dangers that outdoor cats
of raisins, nor the number of raisins that must be
is made worse when cats groom themselves to face on a daily basis, Halloween (and the even
ingested before problems are seen. So be sure to remove the liquid, causing symptoms like
put any trick-or-treat raisins in the garbage more dangerous ‘Mischief Night’ that precedes
drooling, gagging, and retching, according to the it) potentially carry with them the additional
where they rightfully belong, or at least keep
Pet Poison Helpline. dangers of twisted kids (and sadly, adults too)
them well away from your pets.
And don't forget to clean up those intentionally traumatizing or harming cats on
drooping jack-o-lanterns after the holiday! these nights. Though such incidences sadly
Snack and Candy Bags
Spoiling pumpkins can lead to digestive upset in occur throughout the year, there may be an
bored, mischievous, or curious pets that eat increased risk associated with this holiday.
The actual treats in your kid’s Halloween bounty them. This can lead to an emergency trip to the
aren’t the only potential food-related problem veterinarian, as well as a big mess to clean out of Don’t take the chance – keep ‘em inside.
for your pets — the wrappers and bags those
your carpets. Halloween Leash Safety
treats come in can also cause problems. Ingested
candy wrappers can lead to digestive system
Electric and Power Cords For pets that will join you trick-or-treating
inflammation and/or obstruction, resulting in
around the neighborhood, keep them on a leash
episodes of vomiting and/or diarrhea, as well as
Do you see Halloween as an excuse to fill your the whole time. Leashes save lives! A leash will
an unplanned trip to the veterinarian, and
home with a cacophony of flashing lights, not only keep your pet from bolting in front of a
possibly the surgery table. Watch for the signs ghoulish sounds, and other electronic
that your cat or dog may have ingested passing car, but it will also help you prevent
decorations? If so, keep the cords covered or them from eating dropped candy, and other
something that’s “stopping them up.” Signs
tucked away where your cats and dogs can’t get potentially dangerous things from the ground.
could include vomiting, decreased energy and/or
them. Chewing on electric cords can result in Leashes also prevent dog fights and keep
appetite, or straining to defecate.
burns to your pet’s tongue and mouth and spooked dogs from running off.
possibly a buildup of fluid in their lungs. A bad
Candy bags and salty snack (e.g., chips, pretzels,
enough electric shock can easily put your pet in To you and your pets, have a Happy and Safe,
etc.) bags can also turn deadly in a matter of
the hospital for several days where they’ll rack Stress Free Halloween! []
minutes. A dog rummaging for crumbs can
up a few thousand dollars in vet bills. And, as if
easily get their head stuck in a plastic or Mylar
that isn’t enough to encourage caution with Do YOU believe in Coincidences and
snack bag, creating a vacuum-like seal and Synchronicities? If YOU do, join Dr. Bernie
cords, a chewed cord can easily spark a house
suffocating in just 3–5 minutes! Once their head Beitman, MD and his guests on
becomes stuck, the dog will panic, which “Connecting With Coincidence at
depletes oxygen and raises carbon dioxide even