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22               Best Halloween TV Episodes of All Time

            The Best Halloween TV

               Episodes of All Time

                    By Lauren Hubbard

          We love a good Halloween movie, but
          sometimes you want your dose of the spooky
          season a little more fun-sized, if not for the
          purpose of being time conscious, there's always
          the desire to get in as much seasonally-themed
          content as possible. Whether you're craving the
          Halloween adventures of your favorite sitcom
          crew, some animated scares, or an inspiring
          seasonal special, we've got all of the episodes
          you need to get into the Halloween groove.

          1 Brooklyn 99 — "Halloween"
                 Choosing just one of Brooklyn 99's
          Halloween episodes is a nearly impossible task,
          but when it comes down to it, the sitcom's yearly
                                                         of what's best about Modern Family, giving each toaster, "The Shinning" the show's spoof on The
          tradition really owes itself to the very first—
                                                         character a challenge to overcome - being the Shining, and "Nightmare Cafeteria" in which
          Season 1's "Halloween." It's not just that the
                                                         only person at the office wearing a costume, school officials find an innovative (and filling)
          episode itself is inventive and hilarious, it's that
                                                         trying to reclaim ownership of the holiday, way to clear out crowded detention halls.
          the bet to prove who is "The Ultimate
                                                         English as a second language - and bringing
          Detective/Genius" is so effective it spun off one  them all to a head in the most hilarious way 10 The Office — "Halloween"
          of the greatest running gags in the show's
                                                         possible at Claire's over-the-top haunted house.       The scare-factor is real life in the season
                                                                                                         two episode "Halloween." As Michael anxiously
                                                         6 MASH — "Trick or Treatment"                   tries (and repeatedly fails) to fire someone as per
          2 Friends — "The One with the Halloween
                                                                 Even wartime can't stop the 4077th from Jan's demands, Jim and Pam play a prank on
                                                         getting in some Halloween fun. They attempt to Dwight that could have real implications for
                 The aptly-named "The One with the
                                                         hold a Halloween party in celebration, with all their relationship. Though the prospect of losing
          Halloween Party" comes to us from the eighth
                                                         of the doctors dressed up in makeshift costumes, their jobs is enough to give many at Dunder
          season of Friends. Featuring Chandler as a pink
                                                         but before the festivities can begin, injured Mifflin chills, they still manage to make the
          bunny, Ross as "Spud-nik", Rachel's failures   soldiers begin arriving at camp.  The episode most of the holiday with some truly creative
          with trickor-treaters, Phoebe's evil twin Ursula,
                                                         manages to balance humor with the seriousness costumes and no shortage of cat ears.
          and an arm-wrestling contest where there really
                                                         of the doctors's everyday lives in the way that
          are no winners, this episode serves as a classic
                                                         only MASH could.                                11 Freaks and Geeks — "Tricks and Treats"
          reminder of how much we loved the Central
                                                                                                                The awkwardness of adolescence was
          Perk gang.
                                                         7 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — "Fear Itself"      Freaks and Geeks bread and butter, and it's
                                                                 As you might expect, as a show that played to full effect in season one's "Tricks and
          3 It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
                                                         revolves around monsters and magic Buffy had Treats"  While buttoned-up Lindsay decides to
                 While the rest of the Peanuts gang are
                                                         several notable Halloween episodes, but season go out for a more raucous (and potentially
          busy with costumes and trick or treating and   four's "Fear Itself" really takes the cake... er, illegal) kind of fun with her new friends, Sam
          Halloween parties, Linus dedicates his night to
                                                         treat. Aiming for a normal Halloween night, the and his pals discover that things don't go so
          what he sees as the true spirit of Halloween—
                                                         Scoobies head to a frat house costume party, but smoothly for high school-aged trick or treaters.
          waiting for the arrival of the Great Pumpkin in
                                                         the evening takes a frightening turn when two
          their pumpkin patch. For those who've seen it
                                                         frat brothers paint a demon symbol onto the 12 Community — "Epidemiology"
          dozens of times, and those who've never
                                                         house as decoration and end up summoning a             Community always excelled at clever
          watched, this iconic special is a joy for all. The
                                                         demon that brings everyone's greatest fears to riffs on pop culture and that holds particularly
          best part: the special airs every year just before
                                                         life.                                           true in the season two Halloween episode
          Halloween, so it's the perfect time to gather the
                                                                                                         "Epidemiology"  The Greendale gang find
          family and start a Halloween tradition.
                                                         8 Frasier — "Halloween"                         themselves in the plot of a zombie movie when
                                                                 It's a classic comedy of errors in this the Army surplus food the Dean purchased for
          4 Parks and Recreation — "Greg Pikitis"
                                                         episode from Frasier's fifth season, all revolving the community college Halloween party turns
                 Parks and Rec had more than one stand-
                                                         around a possible pregnancy. Roz swears Frasier out to be contaminated with a zombifying virus.
          out Halloween episode in its run, but we're
                                                         to secrecy when she discovers she may be
          especially fond for the season 2 romp, "Greg
                                                         expecting, but a series of misinterpretations and 13 Bob's Burgers — "Full Bars"
          Pikitis" While Ann tries (with mixed success) to
                                                         overheard conversations lead Niles to                  No one can resist the call of premium
          throw a spectacular Halloween party, Leslie and
                                                         challenging his brother to a duel for Daphne's candy, least of all the Belcher kids as the trio
          Andy team up with her boyfriend Dave to take
                                                         honor.                                          travel to the nearby "rich neighborhood" of
          down teen ne'er-do-well Greg Pikitis. Every                                                    King's Island for their trick or treating in the
          year Pikitis vandalizes the town's mayoral
                                                         9 The Simpsons — "Treehouse of Horror V"        season three episode "Full Bars." The full-sized
          statue, but this year Leslie is determined to catch
                                                                 In the world of TV specials, no TV show  chocolate bars may not be worth it, though, as
          him in the act. Pkitis, meanwhile, has his own
                                                         has made quite as much of an impact at  The Tina, Louise, and Gene quickly find themselves
          plans to keep Leslie on her toes - there's a reason
                                                         Simpsons. While the show has, to date, aired 28 being pursued by rowdy teenagers. Meanwhile,
          she refers to him as her arch-nemesis, after all.
                                                         of its Treehouse of Horror specials - arguably Bob gets wrangled into going to his regular and
                                                         the best among them:  Treehouse of Horror  V. friend  Teddy's Halloween party where he
          5 Modern Family — "Halloween"
                                                         From the show's sixth season, this episodes     evening of fun soon turns into a murder mystery.
                 We all love Halloween, but when it
                                                         features some of the show's most iconic
          comes to family - especially the Pritchett-    Halloween segments including "Time and
          Dunphys - it can be a real horror show.  The
                                                         Punishment" in which Homer accidentally alters                         (Continued on Page 23)
          season 2 episode, "Halloween" brings out some
                                                         the course of history with a time-traveling
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