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JFK’s Missing Brain Stolen By RFK                                                                                     39

             Former CIA Operative

                Argues Lee Harvey

                    Oswald's Cuba

            Connections Went Deep

                  Continued from Page 38

          Why did Oswald want to defect to the Soviets
          in the first place?

          I think he was at a dead end. He had a broken  once in the head – in the last successful              The committee notes it has no “direct
          childhood, and he joined the Marines to become  assassination of a US President, and with today evidence”of the whereabouts of the brain, but
          somebody. He wanted to become a historical     marks the 55th anniversary of his death.        points to it being seized by RFK.
          figure, and he thought he deserved to be one. He      ennedy’s brain mysteriously vanished            JFK’s brain is believed to have been
          needed some sort of anchor to his life and that  from the US National  Archives where it was taken by RFK to prevent “misuse”of the organ –
          thing in 1959 was communism. When he gets      stored along with other key pieces of evidence along with other tissue sections and blood
          there [to the Soviet Union], they don’t want him  from the autopsy.                            smears.
          at first. And when they have to accept him after      Daily Star Online can now reveal                “Circumstantial evidence tends to show
          he attempts suicide, they send them to Minsk.  bombshell US Government documents which that Robert Kennedy either destroyed these
          It’s sort of the end of the earth. He’s a factory  actually pin the blame on JFK’s younger brother materials or otherwise rendered them
          worker, not what he expected at all, so he comes  RFK for swiping the brain.                   inaccessible,” the doc reads.
          back.  That’s the context of the whole series,         Documents compiled by the House                It notes the RFK would have wanted to
          what was going through his mind at each one of  Select Committee on  Assassinations – which keep hold of the brain to prevent “public
          these steps.                                   probed the murders of JFK and Martin Luther display”.
                                                         King – suggest the brain may have pinched to           And also it says the US President’s
          Are there any unanswered questions you still   “prevent future display”.                       brother may have quietly disposed of the brain.
          have or now have after doing the                       JFK’s brain was present at the initial         RFK was also never ordered by the
          documentary?                                   autopsy after the killing in 1963, but later justice department to hand over the tissue
                                                         disappeared in 1965.                            samples.
          I’d look for further confirmation that Cubans          Its whereabouts has been subject to            He was asked by officials to pass on to
          knew about this to confirm our thesis. We don’t  much speculation, and conspiracy theorists often them autopsy photos and reports on the killing
          know exactly what the Cubans told him in       link its disappearances to allegations of there which were also stored in the locker.
          Mexico City — was it to go back to Louisiana   being more to the assassination.                       JFK’s brain’s whereabouts remains
          and Dallas and tell us what Cuban dissidents           US government documents acquired by unknown despite efforts by the US government
          there were doing? And what did Oswald mean     the Daily Star Online reveal the efforts by of ind them.
          when he said he was a “patsy” when he was      officials to track down the brain.                     US assistant attorney general Burke
          being questioned by the Dallas police? A patsy         And in rare documents from its final Marshall told the investigators: "Robert
          for whom?                                      conclusion, the 1976 probe names RFK – who Kennedy obtained and disposed of these
                 I know the general relationship was that  was also assassinated in 1968 – as the one for materials himself, without informing anyone
          Russians and Cubans shared everything in those  swiping the brain.                             else.”
          days. So did this get back to Moscow? I don’t          RFK ordered his secretary  Angela              The report states Marshall added:
          know, I don’t have the evidence. Do I suspect it  Novello to remove the locker containing the "Robert Kennedy was concerned that these
          did? Yes. It’s sort of like if an American went to  autopsy materials from the National Archives, materials would be placed on public display in
          Syria, spent a month with the Islamic State, and  the report claims.                           future years in an institution such as the
          came back and assassinates the President. Would        The locker containing the brain was Smithsonian and wished to dispose of them to
          anyone call him a lone wolf?  That’s what      being overseen by Evelyn Lincoln, JFK’s eliminate such a possibility.
          happened with Kennedy. []                      assistant, who was transferring the US                 “[He] emphasized that he does not
                                                         President’s documents to the archive.           believe anyone other than Robert Kennedy
              JFK’s missing BRAIN                                Ms Lincoln was then telephoned by RFK would have known what happened to the
                                                         who told her he was sending Ms Novello to materials and is certain that obtaining or locating
          stolen by Robert Kennedy:                      move the locker in 1965.                        these materials is no longer possible.”

                  Secret files claim                             She arrived at her office along with           RFK served as the US attorney general
                                                         Herman Kahn, archivist for the Presidential under his brother, and then under his successor
                BROTHER swiped                           library, and took the locker containing the brain Lyndon B. Johnson.
                                                         – which was never seen again.                          He was shot dead while mounting a US
                         evidence                                The document reads: "The material was Presidential bid on June 5, 1968, by a young

                                                         then either kept in another part of the Archives, Palestinian allegedly over his support of Israel
          JFK’S missing brain was swiped                  probably a Robert Kennedy courtesy storage during the Six Day War.
                                                          area, or removed from the building to a location      JFK and RFK’s murders and the
           by his brother Robert Kennedy                  designated by Robert Kennedy.                  mysteries following them – such as the missing

                after the autopsy into his                       "The circumstantial evidence would brain – continue to be subject of conspiracy
                                                          seem to indicate that Robert Kennedy then theories.
             assassination, it is claimed is
                                                          decided to retain possession of all physical          Claims over the killing of JFK have
                shocking US government                    specimen evidence and transferred only the ranged from the involvement of the Soviet

                         documents.                       autopsy photographs and X-rays to the Union, the mafia, and the CIA.
                                                          Government."                                          RFK’s death has been rocked with
          President John F. Kennedy was shot dead in             Ms Lincoln was interviewed by claims of a second gunman and also alleged
          Dallas,  Texas, while riding in his motorcade   investigators, and told them she “wondered what involvement by the CIA. []
          sitting alongside his wife Dallas.              happened” to the brain after the assassination of
                 He was hit twice – once in neck, and     RFK.
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