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Comparison: Lincoln/JFK’s Assassination 37

             The complete list of the

              comparisons between

             Lincoln and Kennedy’s


          History has many puzzling mysteries and
          questions that often cannot be explained, no
          matter how hard you try.  There are mind-
          blowing coincidences that are almost too
          bizarre. For example, four of the United States
          Founding Fathers (Thomas Jefferson, John
          Adams, James Monroe, and James Madison) all
          died on July 4, but in different years. That’s a
          pretty freaky coincidence, isn’t it?

          However, this coincidence isn’t nearly as
                                                           •  Both men were concerned with civil rights      building where he was employed. Booth
          bizarre as the many comparisons between
                                                             and proved to be advocates during their         was an actor at Ford’s Theater and Oswald
          Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy’s
                                                             presidencies.    Lincoln    signed     the      worked at Texas School Book Depository.
          assassinations, nearly 100 years apart from each
                                                             Emancipation Proclamation in 1862 and         •  Both presidents were smiling at the time of
          other. The presidents were both assassinated in
                                                             Kennedy proposed the Civil Rights Act of        the assassinations.
          two of the most popular historical moments in
                                                             1964.                                         •  After shooting Lincoln, Booth ran from the
          U.S. history. But there are some interesting
                                                           •  Their successors were both Southern            theater to a warehouse. Likewise, after
          comparisons between the two deaths that we
                                                             Democrats named Johnson (Andrew                 shooting Kennedy, Oswald ran from a
          have to consider.
                                                             Johnson and Lyndon B. Johnson). Both men        warehouse to a theater.
                                                             were born 100 years apart in 1808 and 1908.   •  Both assassins were shot and killed with a
          Comparing Lincoln and Kennedy’s
                                                           •  Both presidents had been captains of ships     Colt revolver.
          assassinations                                     in their private lives.                       •  Both assassins were also Southern white
                                                           •  Both men suffered from a genetic disease.      men in their mid-20s and were 5’8” in
          When President Kennedy was assassinated on         Lincoln had Marfan’s syndrome and               height with hazel eyes and brown hair.
          November 22, 1963, it didn’t take long for         Kennedy had Addison’s disease.                •  Both assassins changed their names as
          historians and theorists to quickly create a list  •  Both presidents fathered four children and   adults and were bachelors.
          comparing his untimely death to that of            lost a son during their presidencies.         •  Both assassins fled the scene of the crime
          President Lincoln’s assassination on April 14,   •  Both presidents were highly regarded for       using modes of transportation they didn’t
          1865. Once they started making comparisons,        their wit and eloquence. They often quoted      own. Booth rented a horse and Oswald rode
          they couldn’t stop.  They realized the two         William Shakespeare and the Bible in their      a public bus. They suffered injuries during
          presidents had more more in common then the        political speeches.                             their escape plans.
          fact that they both served incomplete            •  Both presidents were in their 30s when they  •  Both presidents had bodyguards named
          presidencies.                                      married their 24-year-old wives, Mary Todd      William.
                 For example, Kennedy was assassinated       Lincoln, and Jacqueline Kennedy. Both         •  Lincoln’s secretary, Kennedy, warned him
          by Lee Harvey Oswald while riding in a Lincoln     wives spoke fluent French.                      not to attend the theatre performance.
          motorcade (made by Ford) in Dallas,  Texas.      •  They were both born as second children in      Kennedy’s secretary, Lincoln, warned him
          Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth      their families.                                 not to travel to Dallas.
          (his name also containing three words) while     •  Kennedy was the second president in U.S.     •  Lincoln sat in box number seven at Ford’s
          attending a play at Ford’s  Theatre in             history to issue interest-free money.  The      Theater. Similarly, Kennedy sat in car
          Washington, D.C. But the comparisons don’t         first was Lincoln, who issued greenbacks to     number seven in the motorcade.
          stop there.                                        offer financial support during the Civil War.  •  Both doctors who attended to the presidents
                                                                                                             were named Charles.
          Comparing Lincoln and Kennedy’s                 Comparing their assassinations                   •  Each president died in a place with the
          lives                                                                                              initials “P.H.” Lincoln died at the Petersen
                                                          While it’s interesting to review the many          House and Kennedy died at Parkland
          The list considers not only the comparisons     unusual comparisons between the presidents’        Hospital.
          between the two assassinations but also, the    personal lives, there are even more bizarre
          presidents’ lives. Containing nearly 50 facts, the  comparisons between their assassinations. It  Lincoln and Kennedy: Coincidence?
          list reviews the men’s political careers, personal  was almost like the assassinations were planned
          relationships, important dates, locations, and  long before the presidents ever took office.   What are we supposed to gather from these
          more.                                                                                          bizarre comparisons?  Are they simply
                                                          The list reads as followed:                    coincidences or is it a conspiracy theory?
          The list contains personal facts, as followed:                                                 According to historians, the similarities
                                                           •  Both presidents were shot in the head.     between Lincoln and Kennedy are of mere
           •  Lincoln was elected to the House of          •  Both men were assassinated on a Friday     chance. If you search hard enough, it’s easy to
             Representatives in 1846. Kennedy was also       while sitting beside their wives. The Fridays  find comparisons between most historical
             elected to the House of Representatives, but    preceded a major holiday (Lincoln was       events.
             100 years later in 1946.                        assassinated the week of Easter Sunday and          It’s human nature to search for clues to
           •  Both presidents were losing candidates for     Kennedy was assassinated the week of        make sense of tragedies. Maybe you believe the
             their party’s vice-presidential nomination in   Thanksgiving).                              assassinations were “meant to be,” or maybe
             1856 and 1956.                                •  The assassinations occurred in a city that  you believe something else. Regardless, both
           •  Both presidents were elected to the            was the 14th largest in the nation          presidents’ lives were cut short. Just imagine
             presidency 100 years apart, Lincoln in 1860     (Washington D.C. and Dallas).               what they could have accomplished during the
             and Kennedy in 1960.                          •  The names John  Wilkes Booth and Lee       rest of their presidencies if they only had the
           •  The names Lincoln and Kennedy each             Harvey Oswald each contain 15 letters.      opportunity. []
             contain seven letters.                        •  The assassins committed their crimes in the
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