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Alpha 66, Oswald & the JFK Assassination 35
Alpha 66, Lee Harvey speakers. No Alpha 66 member was convicted The chief operating officer of Alpha 66
of these crimes, however; and other Cuban was eventually found to be a spy for Cuba. The
Oswald, JFK Assassiation paramilitary groups, such as Omega 7 and commander, Francisco Avila Azcuy, announced
Coordination of United Revolutionary that he had worked as a spy for Cuba since 1979.
Connection Organizations, were active in Miami at the same While he had also been a spy for Cuba, Azcuy
time. A week before Lyons and Diaz's testimony, had also been providing the American
History broadcaster Emilio Milian's legs were blown off Government with information regarding the
by a car bomb outside his workplace. Alpha 66 Cuban spy network in the United States as well
continues to be an organized entity. as various activities of other Anti-Castro
Cuban exiles founded Alpha 66 in the early
At the time of his death in 2004, Alpha organizations. Mr. Avila organized many Alpha
1960s to act as an anti-Castro, paramilitary
66 was led by Andrés Nazario Sargen. 66 attacks on Cuba at the behest of the Cuban
group. Although the group had multiple
Alpha 66 still has an office residing in Miami, as government with money supplied by Cuban
founders, Antonio Veciana and Gutierrez
of 2004. The organization also has a new chief, intelligence agents. He was also asked to
Menoyo are two of the most notable. The group
his name is Ernesto Diaz Rodriguez. Under his monitor activities of many prominent Cuban
was established three years after Fidel Castro
regime he wants to stay true to the original intent exiles in Miami. Mr. Avila admitted that on
took office. The founder and first leader of
of the organization. That original is to combat many occasions that the Cuban government
Alpha 66 was Antonio Veciana Blanch. Eloy
strategy for radical change in Cuba. As of 2004, gave him money for Alpha 66 to carry out
Gutiérrez Menoyo helped form the group.
Rodriguez stated that Alpha 66 was planning on attacks on Cuba.[]
Alpha 66 had a plot to assassinate then
expanding their two locations. One of the
President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez.
locations residing in Miami, Florida which
However, before the attack could be carried out,
served as an office, headquarters type of area.
Fidel Castro exposed Diaz's plans.
While the other location was in Rumba Sur
The group worked during the 1960s and
which served as a military training camp.
1970s to plan assassination attempts on Fidel
Castro in Havana 1961 and in Chile in 1971.
Though an invasion never materialized Alpha 66 and Lee Harvey Oswald
after the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion, the group
continued its violent efforts against Cuba. One While Alpha 66 was an anti-Castro group and
of these violent efforts was the Boca de Sana their goals were to invade Cuba. They had some
murders from 1971 that left two dead and many ties to the United States as well. It is
injured by indiscriminate spraying of bullets in hypothesized that Lee Harvey Oswald had some
the dead of night. connections with Alpha 66. The last people
In 1976, Miami Police's Lieutenant Oswald was known to be with were Alpha 66
Thomas Lyons and Detective Raul J. Diaz members. It is believed that after Oswald
testified that groups including Alpha 66 had assassinated President John F. Kennedy he was
international terrorist ties and had sold $100 on his way to a safe house owned by Alpha 66.
"bonds" in Miami to help finance their Oswald even told Alpha 66 about his plans to
causes.[9](page 637) The group was linked to a kill the President. There are witnesses saying
spate of bombings and assassinations in Miami that Cuba knew which then lead to Castro
during the 1970s, directed at Pro-Castro finding out about the assassination.