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50 Facts About the JFK Assassination                                                                                    31

            50 Facts About the JFK                                                                       Kennedy, two days and seven minutes after the

                                                                                                         35. The New York Times reported that JFK's 98-
                                                                                                         year-old grandmother, Mary Josephine
               Details you may not know                                                                  Fitzgerald, was not told of the assassination.
             surrounding the death of our
                                                                                                         36. In Washington, dignitaries from more than
                       35th president
                                                                                                         100 countries arrived for Kennedy's funeral. At
                                                                                                         the time, it was the largest gathering of its kind
                       by Betsy Towner                                                                   on U.S. soil.

          It has been 50 years since Nov. 22, 1963, the                                                  37. An unexpected 250,000 people paid their
          day John F. Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey                                                   respects to the former president as he lay in state
          Oswald as the president was riding in an open-                                                 in the Capitol Rotunda.
          topped car, with the first lady at his side, during
          a presidential motorcade in Dallas.                                                            38. Tens of thousands were turned away, some
                 Here, 50 interesting facts about that day,                                              having waited throughout a near-freezing night
          what preceded it and what came after.           She told Lady Bird Johnson, "I want them to see  in a line that stretched for more than 2 miles.
                                                          what they have done to Jack."
          1. On Nov. 11, 1963, President Kennedy laid a                                                  39. Jackie Kennedy modeled her husband's
          Veterans Day wreath at the  Tomb of the         18. Jackie did, however, remove her wedding    funeral ceremonies after Abraham Lincoln's.
          Unknown Soldier in  Arlington National          ring and put it on her husband's finger to be
          Cemetery.                                       buried with him.                               40. With help from Bobby Kennedy and Robert
                                                                                                         McNamara, Jackie chose the burial site at
          2. He would be buried at the cemetery exactly   19. Later, she had an aide retrieve it.        Arlington National Cemetery.
          two weeks later.
                                                          20. Jackie's suit has never been cleaned and lies  41. Jackie requested an eternal flame be put by
          3. Jacqueline Kennedy rarely traveled with her  in the National Archives.                      the grave.
          husband on political trips but decided to fly with
          him to Texas on Nov. 21.                        21. It will not be seen in public until at least  42. Although she would remarry, today she is
                                                          2103, according to Kennedy family wishes.      buried next to the president.
          4. On Nov. 22, the couple attended a breakfast
          in Fort Worth.                                  22. Attorney General and presidential brother  43. Two of the Kennedys' children, an infant son
                                                          Robert F. Kennedy met  Air Force One at        and daughter, are also buried with their parents.
          5. The presidential open-top limousine had been  Andrews Air Force Base upon its return.
          flown in from D.C.                                                                             44. The funeral day, Nov. 25, was also John Jr.'s
                                                          23. The Texas School Book Depository's sixth   third birthday.
          6. A 14-year-old boy reported watching JFK's    floor, where assassin Lee Harvey Oswald had
          face go blank around 12:30 p.m. on Nov. 22.     positioned himself for the shooting, is today a  45. Caroline would turn 6 two days later.
                                                          museum dedicated to JFK's assassination.
          7.  The boy also said he heard Jacqueline                                                      46.  A taxi driver reported that the funeral
          Kennedy shout, "God, oh God, no."               24. Oswald was a self-described Marxist.       crowds were oddly quiet: "… you could hear a
                                                                                                         pin drop."
          8. Texas Governor John Connally Jr. received    25. He had tried to defect to Russia in 1959.
          multiple gunshot wounds.                                                                       47.  An Irish military guard paid its respects
                                                          26. At the time, assassination of a president was  graveside, following commands shouted in
          9.  A priest administered last rites to the first  not a federal offense; Oswald would have been  Gaelic.
          Roman Catholic U.S. president.                  tried in Texas.
                                                                                                         48.  After the funeral, Jackie Kennedy met
          10.  This was the fourth presidential           27. The murder weapon was a 6.5 mm Italian     privately with three heads of state: Charles de
          assassination in a nation that was less than 200  carbine rifle that Oswald had bought for $19.95.  Gaulle of France, Eamon de Valera of Ireland
          years old.                                                                                     and Haile Selassie of Ethiopia.
                                                          28. Dallas businessman  Abraham Zapruder
          11. It was the first since the Secret Service   caught the assassination on his 8 mm home      49. Near midnight that night, she and Bobby
          began protecting presidents.                    movie camera.                                  Kennedy paid an unplanned visit to Kennedy's
          12. The Service scuffled with Dallas police for  29. His secretary had urged him to go home and
          control of the president's casket.              get it for the presidential parade.            50.  The first two letters that Lyndon Johnson
                                                                                                         wrote as president were to Caroline and John Jr.
          13. Lyndon B. Johnson took the oath of office   30. Zapruder's film was later bought by Life   []
          aboard Air Force One.                           magazine for $150,000.

          14. He became president 99 minutes after        31. Oswald's murder by Jack Ruby on Nov. 24
          Kennedy's death.                                was the first homicide caught on live television.

          15. Kennedy's body was also aboard for the      32. A police detective at the shooting called out,
          return flight to Washington.                    "Jack, you son of a bitch!"

          16. Judge Sarah Hughes wept as she              33.  When wrestled to the ground by police,
          administered the oath of office.                Ruby cried out, "I'm Jack Ruby, you all know
          17. Jackie Kennedy refused to take off her pink
          Chanel suit, stained with her husband's blood.  34. Oswald died at the same hospital as
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