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Timeline of the Day JFK Was Assassinated                                                                                       33

                This timeline shows

              exactly how the day of

                JFK's assassination


                  Continued from Page 32

          2 p.m. :  Secret service agent Roy Kellerman
          gets into an argument with Dallas Country
          medical examiner Dr. Earl Rose. The Kennedy
          party wants his body put in a casket and want to
          leave the hospital.
                 At this point, killing a president is not a
          federal offense. Because of this, the medical
          examiner argues that the autopsy has to be
          performed before the body is taken from Dallas.
          Johnson orders the body to be released, but the
          ME refuses. Finally, he is overridden by Dallas        Jack Ruby, who owns  The Carousel       are still only investigating and interrogating
          district attorney Henry Wade, who only agrees  Club, stops by the police station for the first Oswald about the shooting death of Officer
          to release the body if  Admiral Dr. Burkley,   time. Since many of the officers frequent the Tippit. As he is taken out for his second lineup,
          Kennedy's private physician, promises to stay  club, he is familiar with quite a few people and Oswald yells to the press, "I didn't shoot
          with the body until it is put in the casket for the is able to walk around the police station freely.  anyone!"
          final time.                                                                                           Cecil McWatters, the driver of the bus
                 Simultaneously, Johnson phones grief-   4:30 p.m. : Doctors from trauma room one fill Oswald took from the Texas Book Depository
          stricken Robert Kennedy, the president's       out forms stating what they observed in the Building, identifies Oswald. McWatters says
          younger brother and the  Attorney General, to  emergency room. The conflicting reports from that Oswald was wearing a jacket, though the
          find out what his legal options are about taking  the doctors leads to confusion and distrust.  Warren Commission (which investigated the
          the oath of office.                                    Dr. Marion Jenkins says there was a     assassination) said he was not. Also, later when
                                                         large hole on the right side of Kennedy's head so testifying to the  Warren Commission,
          2:07 p.m. :  Kennedy's body leaves Parkland    large, the cerebellum had protruded from the McWatters says he was wrong in selecting
          Hospital bound for Love Field. After news of the  wound.                                       Oswald in the lineup.
          assassination, the stock market has dipped 24          Dr. James Carrico, the first doctor to
          points. It now closes, not to reopen until     enter the trauma room, noted a large wound 7 p.m. ET: : Jackie Kennedy and Robert
          Tuesday, Nov. 26.                              located in the right occipito-parietal area and Kennedy enter Bethesda Naval Hospital. RFK
                 Oswald has arrived at the homicide and  one small penetrating wound in the middle of stops to sign the order for the autopsy of his
          robbery office on the third floor of city hall.  the neck.                                     brother. They are taken to a VIP suite on the 17th
          When asked if he wants to hide his face from           Dr. Charles Baxter said the right floor of the hospital while the autopsy is
          reports, he responds, "Why should I? I haven't  temporal and occipital bones were missing and performed.
          done anything to be ashamed of."               the brain was on the table. Dr. Kemp Clark, who        General Godfrey McHugh has stopped
                                                         pronounced Kennedy dead, noted two external Admiral Calvin Galloway, who has assembled a
          2:38 p.m. :  The president's body has been     wounds.                                         team to perform the autopsy. McHugh tells
          loaded to Air Force One with much difficulty.          Both the cerebral and cerebella tissue Galloway that the autopsy and embalming
          The casket they got from the funeral home was  were extruding from the wound. Dr. McClelland should be done by his team and that "Mrs.
          too wide for the plane door, and they had to   stated that "the cause of death was due to a Kennedy doesn't want an undertaker." Galloway
          break some of the handles off.                 massive head and brain injury from a gunshot responds, "We don't have the facilities. I highly
                 Despite what conspiracy theorists say,  wound of the left temple." Dr. Marion Jenkins recommend a funeral parlor." When asked if it's
          the damage to the casket was caused by the     later supported this statement.                 possible, he says, "It's not impossible. It's
          secret service, not the casket being opened and                                                difficult though. And it might be unsatisfactory."
          the body being altered. Deputy Attorney General  6 p.m. ET : Air Force One arrives at Andrews         Sargent Shriver, the president's brother-
          Nick Katzenbach spoke to people in Washington  Air Force Base in Maryland.  Among many in-law, prepares the  White House to receive
          to get the correct oath of office.             others, waiting for the plane were Robert Kennedy's body and for it to lay in repose. He
                 Despite having trouble reading his      Kennedy, Robert McNamara, and General has covered the building in black bunting and, at
          writing, he dictates the oath of office and    Maxwell Taylor.                                 the request of Jackie Kennedy, has gotten books
          Johnson becomes the 36th president of the              Jackie Kennedy has requested that the and documents so he can make the White House
          United States. He is the first president to be  secret service agents who carried her husband look like it did when Lincoln died and laid in
          sworn in by a woman, Judge Sarah T. Hughes.    onto the plane as well as "his friends" carry him repose in the White House.
                                                         off the plane. She has also requested that secret
          3 p.m. : Oswald's first interrogation has started.  service agent and driver Bill Greer drive the 7:10 p.m. CT : Captain Fritz has questioned
          The police take paraffin tests of his hands and  ambulance with the coffin to Bethesda Naval Marina Oswald, and Ruth and Michael Paine.
          face to determine if he has fired a gun. The test  Hospital.                                   He has also signed a complaint charging Oswald
          of the hands comes back positive.  They have           Robert Kennedy has rushed onto the with the murder of  Tippit. He is not formally
          only charged him with the killing of Officer   plane to find Jackie. He puts his arm around her arraigned for the murder of J.D. Tippit.
          Tippit. He has not been charged with killing the  and quietly says "Hi, Jackie. I'm here."            FBI agents have been sitting in on the
          president yet.                                         When they get into the ambulance with interrogations. In regards to the president's
                                                         the casket, Jackie recounts the motorcade, the assassination, Gordon Shanklin, the agent in
          4 p.m. :  FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover called  shooting, and aftermath in detail to RFK.       charge of the Dallas office, tells New Orleans
          RFK to tell him "we have the man."                     Lyndon Johnson makes his first Bureau chief Harry Maynor, "Oswald was
                 Oswald waits for his first lineup with  statement on TV as president.                   probably a good suspect, but they have been
          Helene Markham, the witness to Tippit's murder.                                                unable to develop information connecting the
          While waiting, Oswald is searched and five     6:20 p.m. CT : Oswald's second interrogation rifle with Oswald."
          bullet cartridges are found in his pocket.     starts in Captain Fritz's office. At this point, they                  (Continued on Page 36)
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