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32 Timeline of the Day JFK Was Assassinated
This timeline shows
exactly how the day of
JFK's assassination
Michal Kranz and Beth Frutkin
President Donald Trump has allowed the release
of a trove of documents connected to the 1963
assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and
many hope that the documents will clarify some
of the details in the Kennedy case that had
previously led to speculation and conspiracy
In conjunction with the release of the
JFK files, here's a rundown of the most
important moments on the day of the
assassination: remarks to Jackie "you know, last night would president's head as well as a small hole in his
have been a hell of a night to assassinate a throat. They use this hole to perform a
Friday, November 22, 1963, 12:30 a.m. president" in reference to their late night tracheotomy in order to open up Kennedy's
Lee Harvey Oswald and his wife Marina motorcade through Fort Worth. airway.
are not living together. While Oswald lives in a
boarding house at 1026 N. Beckley Ave. in the 11:50 a.m. : Multiple co-workers see Oswald 12:45 p.m. : Oswald gets onto a bus seven
Oak Cliff section of Dallas, Texas, Marina on the first floor of the book depository eating blocks from the Texas School Book Depository.
Oswald is living with Ruth Paine in Irving, lunch. Simultaneously, the motorcade leaves The bus isn't moving much because of traffic in
Texas. Love Field to begin the motorcade through Dealey Plaza.
Unlike most weeks, Lee has showed up Dallas. Shortly after boarding, he gets off and
on Thursday evening instead of Friday evening. gets into a cab driven by William H. Whaley,
At 12:30 a.m., Marina notices that Lee is still 12:05 p.m. : Kennedy makes his first of many which he takes back to his boarding house where
awake. stops to shake hands with groups of people he changes and gets his pistol.
waiting to meet him, delaying the motorcade by
6:30 a.m. : Lee Harvey Oswald gets out of bed five minutes. 12:57 p.m. : Father Oscar Huber arrives at the
after a restless night and gets ready for work. hospital. Kennedy aide Ken O'Donnell tells
Before he leaves the house, he takes off his 12:29 p.m. : The president's limo turns onto secret service agent Clint Hill to order a casket
wedding ring and leaves it in a cup on top of Elm Street. The first shot is fired, missing the from somewhere nearby.
Marina's dresser. He takes $170 out of his wallet president. The president is already technically
and leaves it with his wedding ring. A fragment from the bullet or debris dead, but Jackie is worried about him receiving
He gets a ride into work at the Texas from the street hit James Tauge, who is his Catholic last rites before he has died. Just
School Book Depository with Buell Wesley watching the motorcade in Dealey Plaza. after Huber performs them, Dr. Kemp Clark
Fraizer. He is carrying something long and tells A man is standing near the Stemmons pronounces Kennedy dead. Admiral Dr. George
Fraizer they’re curtain rods for his room in the Freeway sign with an opened umbrella, giving Burkley officially pronounces Kennedy dead.
boarding house. rise to the "umbrella man" conspiracy theory.
1:15 p.m. : After being told to patrol the Oak
7 a.m. : President John F. Kennedy is at the 12:30 p.m. : The second shot is fired, causing Cliff section of Dallas, Officer J.D. Tippit
Hotel Texas getting ready for his day. He will Kennedy to go into Thornburn's position. This is speaks to someone who fits Oswald's
give a speech outside the hotel, give a speech to a common neurological response to spinal description. Shortly after, police hear a civilian
the Chamber of Commerce inside, and then damage. on the police radio line saying, "It's a police
leave Fort Worth for Dallas. The third shot is fired, hitting the officer. Someone shot him."
After a motorcade through Dallas and a president on the back, right side of his head,
speech at the Trade Mart, the Kennedy's will causing a portion of his head behind his right 1:26 p.m. : Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson
travel with the Johnson's to Austin and then to ear to blow out. Right after the third shot is leaves Parkland for Air Force One. As he and
the Johnson Ranch for a weekend of rest. fired, Sheriff Bill Decker orders Dallas police Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson are leaving, she sees the
Kennedy has just picked up The Dallas officers to the railroad tracks behind the fence flags drop to half mast. Assistant White House
Morning News. He sees the infamous "black on the Grassy Knoll. Press Secretary Mac Kilduff confirms
border" ad which accusing him of treason. He Oswald gets a Coca Cola from the soda Kennedy's death.
also sees a prediction from Richard Nixon that machine in the book depository and starts
Kennedy will be dropping Johnson from the walking out of the buildings after being stopped 1:40 p.m. : Oswald runs into a movie theater
ticket. briefly by Dallas police officer Marrion Baker. that is playing the film "War is Hell." He is seen
Oswald walks past NBC's Robert MacNeil, who sneaking in, and police start to search the
10 a.m. : As the weather starts clearing up, is looking for a phone to call in the shooting. theater. The lights are raised and officer Nick
advance secret service agent Win Lawson has McDonald spots Oswald in the seats.
decided to take the bubbletop off the 12:35 p.m. : The presidential limo arrives at McDonald walks up to Oswald who
presidential limo. Parkland Memorial Hospital where "24740, says, "This is it!" and pulls out a revolver. As
Kennedy has made it clear that he wants white male" suffering from a gunshot wound is they fight, officer McDonald gets his finger in
to be accessible to the people. He wants the admitted and brought to trauma room 1. front of the pistol's hammer so the gun will not
bubbletop off as much as possible and does not Secret service agent Roy Kellerman, fire. Oswald punches an officer in the face and
want secret service agents on the back on his who is in charge in Dallas, calls the head of the officer punches back, giving Oswald a black
limo. secret service Jerry Behn to report that JFK has eye.
been hit.
10:30 a.m. : Kennedy returns to his suite in the Dr. Charles Crenshaw enters and notes
Hotel Texas and prepares to leave for Dallas. He there is a large wound on the back of the (Continued on Page 33)