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36 Timeline of the Day JFK Was Assassinated
This timeline shows
exactly how the day of
JFK's assassination
Continued from Page 33
7:50 p.m. CT : Oswald in interrogated for the
third time. He is then taken for his third lineup
where is he identified by witness J.D. Davies as
the man people saw unloading a pistol as he
came across their yard immediately following
the Tippit shooting. Immediately following the
lineup, Oswald's finger and palm prints are
taken on an inkless pad.
9 p.m. CT : Witness Buell Frazier has his sister
come to the homicide and robbery office. They
both say they saw Oswald carrying a package many of the most important documents, and shook me up. I guess we’re not as naive now as
with him to the Texas School Book Depository. eyewitnesses, related to Oswald’s plot to kill we were in the ‘60s.” (Houston Chronicle,
Oswald is later arrested and brought back in for Kennedy will never be made public. These December 20, 1991)
questioning. include information about Oswald’s known
connections with Cuban exiles in Dallas, who Tommy Lee Jones: “I started having doubts as
11 p.m. ET : After it began at 8:15 p.m. under may have known of his assassination plans and soon as I became aware of the findings of the
the charge of Commander J.J. Humes, sent word back to Havana, as well as interviews Warren Commission …. It’s preposterous.”
Kennedy's autopsy is concluded. Dr. Humes with a key eyewitness at the Cuban consulate, (Calgary Herald, December 24, 1991)
later states that the autopsy results were that where Oswald reportedly bragged openly about
Kennedy was killed by two shots from the rear. his plans to kill the U.S. president. Robert Kennedy: “[Kennedy] lived the rest of
If the full trove of government records his life suspecting the Mafia or the Cubans were
Saturday, November 23, 1963, 1:35 a.m. CT : related to JFK’s assassination were ever to be behind his brother’s death.”
After Captain Fritz signs the complaint charging made public, Baer has an idea of what they
Oswald with the murder of Kennedy at 11:26 would show. “I think what happened, without Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “The evidence at this
p.m. C.T., Judge David Johnson rules that seeing all the documents, is that the point I think is very, very convincing that it was
Oswald "voluntarily and with malice of assassination could have been stopped,” Baer not a lone gunman.”
forethought killed John F. Kennedy by shooting says. “The Secret Service should have been
him with a gun." informed, Oswald should have been confronted Richard Schweiker (former senator): “Now I
At 1:35 a.m. C.T., Oswald is officially before Kennedy’s visit…It could have been don’t know who killed cock robin, but we don’t
told he has been charged with Kennedy's stopped.” He believes “once the government know what happened and we do know that
murder. understood this [was preventable], they closed Oswald had intelligence connections.
down the investigation.” Everywhere you look with him, there are
3:56 a.m. ET : Kennedy's body is brought to “It’s not what the conspiracy theorists fingerprints of intelligence.”
the White House, where he will lay in repose think—the guy with the black umbrella, the
until Sunday. On Monday, November 25, son shooter on the grassy knoll,” Baer says. “The Richard Belzer: “In other words, if the
John Jr.'s third birthday, Kennedy will be laid to crime is the cover-up.” Zapruder film had been aired at the time of the
rest at Arlington National Cemetery. [] assassination, a mourning nation would have
Famous People Who had the opportunity to judge the evidence, and
An Ex-CIA Officer Weighs Believe in a JFK several months later, the stunning and
unambiguous failure of the Warren Commission
in on the JFK Files to explain he murder.”
Lyndon Baines Johnson: “I never believed that
Former CIA officer and author Robert Baer, who
Chipper Jones: “What a crock of crap! Oswald Oswald acted alone, although I can accept that
led the investigation in History’s “JFK
killed Kennedy? Seriously? Sorry, but I’m he pulled the trigger.”
Declassified: Tracking Oswald” program,
watching JFK. It’s almost laughable what they
believes the biggest revelation to come out of
want us to believe.” Bruce Willis : ”They still haven’t caught the
the newest file release is that the White House
guy that killed Kennedy. I’ll get killed for saying
and intelligence agencies are continuing to
Marina Oswald Porter (Lee Harvey Oswald’s this, but I’m pretty sure those guys are still in
conceal all that was known about Lee Harvey
widow): “I am now convinced that he was an power, in some form. The entire government of
Oswald before the assassination, and how much
FBI informant and believe that he did not kill the United States was co-opted. One guy did it?
information was withheld from the official
President Kennedy.” I don’t think so.” (Vanity Fair, June 2007)
investigation into the events of November 22,
Kevin Costner: “There were a lot of people John Kerry: “Regarding possible conspiracies,
“They’ve had 25 years to redact and
with no love lost for Kennedy — the CIA, the to this day I have serious doubts that Lee Harvey
protect sources and methods,” Baer says. “What
mob. I believe there was a conspiracy …. We’ve Oswald acted alone. I certainly have doubts that
they’re covering up…is the actual cover-up on
lived with the myth of the Warren Commission he was motivated to do that by himself. I’m not
Oswald, and there was one. I have seen no
(which concluded Oswald was a lone assassin) sure if anybody else was involved. I don’t go
evidence that there’s any sort of government
for a long time.” down that road, with respect to the grassy knoll
conspiracy, but the cover-up—withholding from
theory and all of that, but I have serious
the Warren Commission, destroying
Sissy Spacek: “For so long, I wanted to believe questions about whether they got to the bottom
documentation—it’s just there. It’s undisputed.”
it was Oswald and not something bigger. I still of Lee Harvey Oswald.” []
Baer hasn’t had a chance to review all
want to believe that. But Oliver [Stone]’s script
the newly released documents, but he believes