Page 52 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 52

52                 The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories

                The Psychology of

              Conspiracy Theories

                 Continued from Page 51

        Summary, Caveats, and Future Research

        Research thus far has successfully articulated
        some of the motivations that, together with
        deficiencies in available information, cognitive
        ability, and motivation to think critically, may
        contribute to conspiracy belief.  Although
        scholars have theorized about the consequences
        of conspiracy beliefs for their adherents and the
        community, relatively little empirical research
        has been done to explore them. Nevertheless,
        preliminary work suggests that despite the
        allure of conspiracy beliefs for people who have
        heightened epistemic, existential, and social
        motives, they may ultimately thwart those        investigations of disadvantaged and threatened         BET YOU DIDN’T
        motives further. In this sense, conspiracy       populations are needed. In particular, future             KNOW THAT...
        theories might be seen as an ironic or self-     research needs to examine individuals whose
                                                         psychological needs are chronically or
        defeating manifestation of motivated social
        cognition. There are grounds to expect further   experimentally threatened and determine          ...there’s a difference between coffins and
        research to corroborate this preliminary picture  whether conspiracy belief moves them closer to  caskets: coffins are six-sided, with shoulders,
        since, as we have seen, conspiracy theories have  or further away from the fulfillment of these   and are tapered from the shoulders down;
        some attributes that do not lend themselves to   needs. In one such design, Jolley, Douglas, and  caskets are four-sided and rectangular.
                                                         Sutton (2017) exposed people to threats to the
        the fulfillment of these motives—for example,
        they are generally speculative and contrarian,   legitimacy of their social system.  They found   ...the unit of measurement for the speed of a
        represent the public as ignorant and at the mercy  that the deleterious effects of these threats on  computer mouse is known as a mickey.
        of unaccountable powers, and impute highly       satisfaction with the status quo were eliminated
        antisocial and cynical motives to other          when participants were also exposed to           ...Will Smith’s real first name is bot William -
                                                         conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories
        individuals.                                                                                      it’s Willard.
                                                         therefore appeared to buffer people from the
        Nonetheless, there are also grounds to expect    effects of threats to the status quo.            ...the name of the old, bearded sorcerer in Walt
        future research to show that conspiracy theories                                                  Disney’s 1940 film Fantasia is Yen Sid - which
        fulfill the needs of some people.  The           Conclusion                                       is “Disney” spelled backwards.
        experimental research conducted thus far has
        sampled from populations (undergraduate          We have reviewed the current literature on the   ...the involuntary act of yawning that stretching
        students and survey panelists) that are not      psychological factors that appear to drive       that you do upon waking up or when very sleepy
        particularly disadvantaged or threatened and     conspiracy belief. We conclude that conspiracy   is called pandiculation.
        that generally do not endorse conspiracy         belief appears to stem to a large extent from
        theories. For these people, conspiracy theories  epistemic, existential, and social motives.      ...the official bird of Redondo Beach, California,
        are likely to be experienced as unsettling,      Research has yet to demonstrate that it          is the Goodyear Blimp.
        destabilizing, and potentially alienating.       effectively serves those motivations, and early
        However, these people are not whom scholars      indications are that it may often thwart them. It  ...the longest TV commercial ever was a 14-hour
        have had in mind when they have argued that      is possible, therefore, that conspiracy belief is a  ad for Old Spice aftershave, which aired in Sao
        conspiracy theories may sometimes be adaptive.   self-defeating form of motivated social          Paulo, Brazil, on December 8, 2018. (It starred
        They include groups and individuals who are      cognition. However, important questions          Brooklyn 99 actor Terry Crews.)
        already alienated from society and for whom      remain open, and more controlled research on
        conspiracy    theories    may    offer   some    the consequences of conspiracy beliefs is        ...there’s a court above the U.S. Supreme Court.
        compensation.  These include disempowered        needed, particularly on the vulnerable and       It’s a basketball court. It’s on the fifth floor of
        groups who may use conspiracy theories to        disadvantaged populations that have been         the Supreme Court Building. The courtroom is
        subvert dominance hierarchies by formulating     identified as most likely to benefit from them.  on the second.
        their own understanding of realities (Sapountzis  We hope that this review will serve as an
        & Condor, 2013) and by fostering solidarity and  organizing schema for future research on the     ...Playboy magazine has bee available in Braille
        collective action (Adams, O’Brien, & Nelson,     psychology of conspiracy belief. []              editions since 1970.
        2006). In these communities, and indeed in
        online communities in which conspiracy                                                            ...the device they use to measure your feet in
        theories represent normative or even official                                                     shoe stores is called a Brannock Device. (It was
        positions (e.g., the 9/11  Truth movement),                                                       invented by Charles Brannock.)
        conspiracy belief may offer an important source
        of belonging and shared reality. Furthermore,                                                     …the cosmetic company Max Factor is named
        history has repeatedly shown that corporate and                                                   after a real person: Maksmilian Factorwicz, a
        political elites do conspire against public                                                       Polish beautician who emigrated to the United
        interests. Conspiracy theories play an important                                                  States in 1904.
        role in bringing their misdeeds into the light.
                                                                                                          ...a prearranged fight between two people is
        To conduct fair tests of the utility of conspiracy                                                called a duel.if it’sbetween three people, it’s a
        belief, controlled longitudinal and experimental                                                  truel.
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