Page 3 - April-May 2020 Neat
P. 3

What-To-Do During the Coronavirus                                                                                           3

                 TheY                          wstonee Ser                              ies oof No                     v   els by
                                   el ello

                            Lindda Jacobbs is Back in Pr                                                                   int

                                                    – fr   om Gooodr             eads Pr          ess –

                                                                                                                                                      Aberg  Aberg  Janine
                                                                                                                                                      Cover artwork for series by Janine  by  series  for  artwork

                          ll wst
                      Yello        tonne                                                                           WilllYellol Y  ll wst  Yello  tone’  Cover
                                                                                                                   ll wst
                                                                                                                                    ’ Blds Bold
                          Aflame                                            Erupt?                                        Histor     y

                             The                                 The scientists with                            An adventur        e oof the

                       heroes whho                                   thheir finger on                            Nez Per      ce  W  arr and
                    fought the fi es r                                                                                thee pulse of the  early days of ouur first

                           of 1988                                   suuper    volcano                               national parrk

                  “Uncannily accu ateur                                                     ” .                            “ A paage-tur ner of the                                                                         “Mar velous. Lots off action.                                                    ”
               – Y ello wstone  Superinntendent                      firrst magnitude       ” .                 – NY   T imes and USA odayoA T
                   Bob Barbee 1983--1994                      –  NY T immes  Bestselling Author                                                             Bestselling author Kaathleen

                                                                       R Robert V aughan                                 O’Neal Gear
                      “Human,      bruttal,

                         wr  enc  hing”.                              “A g  rabber   , ,  in                                                                         “Bold and br awlinng and
                    – NY  T imes Bestsselling                             the zone                                                    ” .                          touc hingly humman.                                                    ”

                    Author John J   . Nance                    –  Y ellow                                    –  NY T imes  Bestselling Author
                                                                      wstone Superintendent
                                                                  Bob Barbee 1983-1994                                Robert Vaugha V aughaanan

                                       ess – A
               Goodr      eads Pre               Av  ailable fr     om Amazm onliine fall 20             1 9 as eboook or
                     pr  int on deemand.            Audio v     er  sioons fr    om Books in Motion and                     Amazo

                       And don’tt for         get book four oof the               Y ello   wstonee Series,

                       Jac   kson HHole Journey                , ,  fromm Camel Pr        ess andd Books in Motion.

                                              Visit Linda Jacobs On-line at


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