Page 5 - April-May 2020 Neat
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COVID-19 - The Government of Canada                                                                                               5


               The Government of



                 Continued from Page 4

        March 2020:

         •  On March 9, Canada confirms its first death
            related to COVID-19.
         •  On March 11, the  World Health
            Organization declares the global outbreak of
            COVID-19 a pandemic.
         •  On March 13, Canada advises Canadians to
            avoid all non-essential travel outside of
            Canada until further notice.
         •  On March 16, Canada advises travellers
            entering Canada to self-isolate for 14 days.     investment of $100 million to improve children or other dependents, you will want to
         •  On March 18, Canada implements a ban on          access to food for Canadians facing social, have thought ahead to engage backup
            foreign nationals from all countries, except     economic, and health impacts of the caregivers.
            the United States from entering Canada,          COVID-19 pandemic.                           You should also think about what you will do if
            Canada-U.S. border closes to all non-                                                         a member of your family becomes sick and
            essential travel, and redirects international FOR INDIVIDUALS:                                needs care.  Talk to your employer about
            passenger flight arrivals to four airports in                                                 working from home if you are needed to care for
            Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.    Canadians should continue to think ahead about   a family member at home.
         •  On March 18, Canada announces financial      the actions that they can take to stay healthy and
            help, through the COVID-19 Economic          prevent the spread of any illness, especially    If you become ill, stay home until you are no
            Response Plan, for Canadians and             respiratory infections.                          longer showing symptoms. Employers should
            businesses facing hardship as a result of the                                                 not require a sick leave note as that will put
            COVID-19 outbreak.                           Now and always during cold and flu season, stay  added pressure on limited health care services.
         •  On March 23, Canada announces new            home if you are sick. Encourage those you know
            measures to support local farmers and agri-  are sick to stay home until they no longer have  Your plan should include shopping for supplies
            food businesses in Canada facing financial   symptoms.                                        that you should have on hand at all times. This
            hardship due to the impacts of the COVID-                                                     will ensure you do not need to leave your home
            19 pandemic.                                 Since respiratory viruses, such as the one that  while you are sick or busy caring for an ill
         •  On March 23, Canada announces support to     causes COVID-19, are spread through contact,     family member.
            quickly mobilize Canadian researchers and    change how you greet one another. Instead of a
            life sciences companies to support large-    handshake, a kiss or a hug, a friendly wave or   Your plan should build on the kits you have
            scale efforts towards countermeasures to     elbow bump is less likely to expose you to       prepared for other potential emergencies. For
            combat COVID-19, including potential         respiratory viruses.                             more information on how to prepare yourself
            vaccines and treatments.                                                                      and your family in the event of an emergency,
         •  On March 27, Canada announces support for    Practise frequent hygiene, which includes        please visit
            small businesses facing impacts of the       proper hand washing and coughing and sneezing
            pandemic, as part of the COVID-19            etiquette. Clean and disinfect frequently touched  Fill Your Preseciptions
            Economic Response Plan.                      objects and surfaces, such as toys and door
         •  On March 29, Canada introduces measures      handles.                                         Refill your prescriptions now so that you do not
            to support vulnerable Canadians to help cope                                                  have to go to a busy pharmacy if you do become
            with the health, social, and economic        These are the most important ways that you can   sick. Consider seeing your health care provider
            impacts of COVID-19.                         protect yourself and your family from            to renew your prescriptions ahead of time.
         •  On March 31, Canada announces new            respiratory illness, including COVID-19.
            partnerships with Canadian industries, under                                                  Stock Up On Essentials But  Avoid
            Canada's Plan to Mobilize Industry to fight  Make A Plan                                      Panic Buying
            COVID-19.  The Government of Canada
            plans to invest $2 billion to support        If COVID-19 becomes common in your               At this time, it makes sense to fill your
            diagnostic testing and to purchase           community, you will want to have thought about   cupboards with non-perishable food items, so
            ventilators   and    protective   personal   how to change your behaviours and routines to    that you do not need to go shopping if you
                                                         reduce the risk of infection.                    become sick.
        April 2020:                                      Your plan should include how you can change      It is easier on the supply chain if people
                                                         your regular habits to reduce your exposure to   gradually build up their household stores instead
         •  On  April 2, Canada surpasses 10,000         crowded places. For example, you may:            of making large-scale purchases all at once. To
            confirmed cases of COVID-19.
                                                                                                          do this, you can add a few extra items to your
         •  On  April 2, Canada launches the Canada       •  do your grocery shopping at off-peak hours   grocery cart every time you shop. Good options
            COVID-19 app on iOS and  Android to           •  commute by public transit outside of the     are easy-to-prepare foods like:
            provide Canadians with the latest                busy rush hour
            information on COVID-19 and a way to          •  opt to exercise outdoors instead of in an     •  dried pasta and sauce
            check their symptoms.
                                                             indoor fitness class                          •  prepared canned soups
         •  On  April 3, worldwide COVID-19 cases
                                                                                                           •  canned vegetables and beans
            reach 1 million.                             Your plan should also include what you will do
         •  On  April 3, Canada announces an             if you become sick. If you are a caregiver of                            (Continued on Page 6)
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