Page 7 - April-May 2020 Neat
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Coming to The ‘X’ Zone TV Channel 7
Navy UFO Videos Now
by Seth Shostak,
Senior Astronomer,
SETI Institute
They’re baaaaaack. The perplexing gun-sight
camera recordings made by U.S. Navy pilots in
2004 and 2015, possibly showing UFOs that
might be extraterrestrial craft, have now been
officially released.
they really show?” Spend the minute or so it the videos were made from one type of fighter
Why now? Well, the Navy says it wants the
takes to watch, and you’ll see a perplexing aircraft – F/A-18 Super Hornets – and with one
public to know that the videos, at least, are real.
peanut-shaped object that mostly stays centered type of wing camera, a so-called FLIR (Forward
It further wants to assure us that these short
in the frame, but sometimes drifts and twists. Looking InfraRed.) Of course, that’s the type of
films don’t compromise any sensitive military
equipment the Navy was flying. But ask
capabilities – in case you were worried about
Lots of explanations have been offered. Some yourself this: If each time motorists driving
people think these are autonomous vehicles, 2020 Buick Enclaves saw hairy hominids
which is to say drones (friendly or otherwise.) trampling the underbrush as they rode through
Mind you, these videos were already public a
Others – perhaps because they’re already fond the forests of northern Oregon, you might fairly
long time ago. They were featured on the front
of the idea that aliens are skimming the oceans ask “what is it about those Buicks?”
page of the New York Times in December, 2017.
in their hi-tech vehicles – will say that these
Consequently you may be saying to yourself,
videos are solid proof that the extraterrestrials Maybe there’s something about those FLIR
“so what?” It’s akin to when CERN leaked the
are here. cameras, or their deployment on the Hornets.
discovery of a new particle (the Higgs boson) in
advance of its official press conference. By the
But let’s be candid; no one seems to know what But unless some other evidence is thrown into
time of the public announcement, the story
these things are. I mean, the Navy has a lot of this stew – such as satellite imagery or reliable
wasn’t exactly stale. But it was a tad dry.
brain power (I reckon 1.2 million pounds and repeated photos from ships or commercial
worth), and if the experts can’t come to a aircraft – I’m not very inclined to think that
So this announcement from the Department of
conclusion on this, that should tell you that a these videos are convincing evidence of alien
Defense isn’t exactly breaking news. Whether
trivial explanation is probably – too trivial. presence. The question of extraterrestrial
the videos have been affixed with an official
intelligence is important. The proof for their
U.S. Navy seal or not, the question is “what do
One thing that strikes me as significant is that existence has got to be better than this.[]