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                Banda: We need to move together if sport is to develop in Malawi

                In his remarks, Minister of Youth and Sports    “What needs to be done now is for all of us
                Honorable  Richard  Chimwendo  Banda  MP        present here to work together, and not in
                explained that there is a need for di erent     isolation, because it is only in unity that we can
                stakeholders in sport to come together each     achieve more. The private sector should come
                year and discuss critical matters that are a ect-  in to support sport and supplement the e orts
                ing the development of sports in the country if   that government is making. Sports associations
                Malawi is to move forward in sports develop-    should respect and work together with the
                ment.                                           Malawi National Council of Sports and para-
                                                                statals should also come in and support sports,
                “Our neighbors, who could not even compete      as was the case in the past, because, for the
                with us in the past, have taken a step ahead of   Malawi to be a force to reckon with, in terms
                us, to the extent that we can no longer com-    of sport in the world, there is a need for
                pete with them. We used to do well in foot-     collaborative e ort from all the key stakehold-
                ball, athletics and netball, but that is not the   ers,” explained the Minister.
                case today. We have fallen down on the peck-
                ing order’

                ISSUE NO: 1                                                                MNCS NOVEMBER 2022 NEWSLETTER  13
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