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P. 87

A Message from

             ”Stocktake”                the Principal....

                                        WYNNUM High girls have main
                                                    tained their high repute in th?
                                        G.P.S. field, in their courtesy and in
                                        their behaviour generally. The Cadets
                                        and their famous pipe-band have
                                        reached higher repute.
                                          The boys have been a potent force in
                                        all fields. The general academic and
                                        sporting levels have been above aver
                                        age. We have had a good staff and
                                        good school officials. Cultural activities
                                        have been stepped up.
                                          Many amenities have been added by
                                        the Parents’ and Citizens’ Association.
                                        e.g.. Projectors, Tape-Recorder, Speak
                                        ers and Library Books. You have sup
                                        ported the school well in all its
                                          Now I request that you prepare your
                                        own balance sheet. Have you been
                                        proud of your school and the level to
                                        which you have raised it ?
                                          Have you been loyal and helpful in
             Managers:                  all its activities ?
                                          Is the school a better place as the
               R. A. Doube
               W. J. Christensen        result of your presence ?
                                          If the answers are affirmative, I on
             Editors:                   behalf of the school and its future
                                        scholars desire to thank you heartily
               J. McCormack
               B. Gallwey               and to wish you well.

               Mrs. E. Taege

               H. Cox

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