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             Crucial Importance of

                     Science Education

                      “The education of scientists and technologists and the
                  shortage of people skilled in the fields of science and
                  engineering have been popular topics of discussion through
                  out the English speaking world, particularly during the last
                  ten years. Concern in an atmosphere of near panic was
                  expressed at Russia’s annual figure of 336 technologists in
                  training per million in 1956, compared with U.S.A. 281 and
                  Great Britain 172. In actual numbers, Russia is producing
                  more scientists than U.S.A, and Great Britain together,”
                  stated Professor La hey at our 1958 Speech Night.
                The spot-light of public attention, he added, is also on the crucial
           importance of science education for our own young people of Junior and
           Senior age. This is a highly competitive era—the age of atomic energy,
           guided missiles, sputniks, space rockets, television, wonder drugs, plastics.
           For the first time in history the strength of a nation is calculated by its
           number of H bombs. Today any industry that does not adapt itself to
           scientific innovations will surely bankrupt itself. In Australia, at present
           we are more dependent on our great natural resources, but continuous
           scientific research is necessary to keep our primary products on a competitive
           world market.
                To prosper and maintain our high standard of living and to enjoy
           the fruits of scientific advances, we must keep abreast of science development.

                Mr. Menzies was quoted: “We must develop in Australia, not only
           great machinery and technical equipment but at all times we must produce
           more and more people highly trained scientifically for this purpose.” As a
           result of the Murray report the Commonwealth Government will spend £22
           million on tertiary education in the next three years and this support leans
           towards the science and technology side.
                One hundred post-graduate research scholarships (R for Queensland)
           were made available to honours students. Professor Lahey then spoke of the
           training of a scientist. The problem is how to deal with the ever increasing
           amount of factual knowledge in Science, which had doubled in the last ten
           years. The five year secondary schooling and the extension of science degree
           courses to four years seems essential.
                There are few things in every day life for which scientists are not
           directly responsible, and to feed the world near miracles will be required
           from plant, and animal biologists, chemists, physiologists and geologists, so
           that the calculated world population in the next 50 or 100 years may be fed.
                With all the development around us in organic chemistry, biochemistry,
           pharmaceutics, pharmacology, bacteriology, etc., we should see that every
           boy and girl is given instruction in science.
                The University course in pure science is 3 years and applied science

             ★ This Page generously donated by WATSON’S PHARMACY, Bay
                Terrace, Wynnum.
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