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C.  Commercial to Senior Standard:
              (a) Junior Subjects: English, History, Geography or Art, Maths. A,
                  Maths. B or Home Science B, Book-keeping and Business Methods.
                  Shorthand, Typewriting.
              (b) Senior Subjects: English, Geography, Maths. I, Economics, Book
                  keeping, Shorthand.
          D. Home Science to Senior Standard:
              (a) Junior Subjects: English, Geography or Art, Maths. A, Chemistry,
                  Physics, Physiology. Home Science A. Home Science B.
              (b) Senior Subjects: English, Chemistry, Physiology, Home Science A,
                  Home Science B.
                The Academic Course leads to University Matriculation in all the
          Faculties (Arts, Law, Science, Applied Science, Medical Science, Engineering,
          Surveying, Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Agriculture. Commerce.
          Physiotherapy, Architecture, and Pharmacy). It is also taken by those who
          wish to enter Teaching, the Public Service. Banking and Journalism. The
          Academic Course is the most difficult of the courses, and is recommended
          more especially to those who intend proceeding to the Senior.
                The Industrial Course is a preparatory course for those who wish to
          enter the skilled trades, and the Engineering Profession.
                The Commercial Course is designed principally for those wishing to
          enter business life after the Junior, but It also leads to Teaching, the Public
          Service and Banking.
                The Home Science Course is Intended to fit girls for future manage
          ment of the home, and leads to Home Science Teaching. Nursing. Dressmak
          ing and higher class cooking.
          FEES - -
                Intermediate School: No Departmental Fees.
                High School: Children who fail to pass the State Scholarship Exam
          ination, and who wish to attend may do so, if the Principal approves, by
          laying tuition fees of £2/16/- per term, payable in advance, with three terms
          in the year.
                General Purpose Fee—Intermediate School: 15/- per year per family.
                High School: £1 per year per family.
                This fee covers the purchase of Sporting Material, Library Books.
          Mural Decorations, etc., and is payable in full at the beginning of the year.
          or in equal instalments at the beginning of each of the three terms.
                School Colours: Bottle green and grey.
                Physical Education: Teachers from the Physical Education Staff attend
          the school.
                Sport: (a) Inter-House: The School is divided into four Houses—
          Cunningham, Kennedy, Mitchell, Oxley. Inter-House competitions are con
          ducted in cricket, Rugby League, tennis, athletics, swimming, basketball.
          vigoro, softball, hockey. Soccer, volley ball.
                (b) Inter-School: The Intermediate School fields teams in the Primary
          Schools Association Rugby league. Soccer, cricket, softball, basketball, and the
          School takes part in the District Athletics and Swimming Carnivals.
                The High School fields teams in Inter-School competitions conducted by
          the Q.S.S.S.S.A. in Rugby League, cricket, tennis, basketball, swimming and
          athletics, and occasional games are played in soccer and hockey.
                Army Cadets; A highly efficient Cadet Unit with its own Pipe Band
          parades one afternoon each week. The Cadets attend the Annual Camp in
          August. Uniform and Equipment are free, but there is a waiting list for
          enrolment. .
                Text Books: These may be purchased at the school during the first two
          weeks of the school year at city prices.
                Guidance Officers visit the School on one day each week, to assist in
          directing pupils into courses and careers for which they are best suited.
          Parents wishing to interview the officers may arrange an appointment through
          the School.
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