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                The Courses available for 1960 are as follows :—
                Second Form corresponds to the Eighth Primary tirade. Pupils will
           be drawn from the Seventh Grades of Manly and Wynnum Central State
           Schools. On completion of Second Form work, pupils sit for the State
           Scholarship Examination. Success in this examination permits pupils to
           proceed to the High School without payment of fees.
           HIGH SCHOOL —
           A.  Academic to Senior Standard :
               (a) Junior Subjects: English, French, Latin or History. Geography
                   or Art. Maths. A (Arithmetic and Algebra), Maths. B (Geometry),
                   Chemistry, Physics.
               (b) Senior Subjects: English, Senior French or Geometrical Drawing
                   and/or Junior French, Maths. I, Maths. Il or History. Physics or
                   Economies, Chemistry or Geography.
           B.  Industrial to Junior Standard:
               Subjects: English, Maths. A., Maths. B., Chemistry, Physics. Geometrical
               Drawing and Perspective, Industrial A (Woodwork), Industrial B
               (Metalwork), Industrial C (Trade Drawing).

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