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            It was rumoured that the Unit would camp in a different area, but fortu
        nately this proved to be untrue, and the value of occupying the old site was
        very much in evidence, with quick orientation of all personnel.
            The Unit again took advantage of the opportunity of sending a work party
        to GREENBANK on Sunday, 5th August, and after a day's hard work by all
        members, most of the canvas was up.
            The setting up of the Unit Lines followed the 1961 form, with clearly defined
        areas of responsibility and authority for Section Commanders.
        3.   MARCH IN
            The Advance Party, under Command Lt. R. A. DOUBE, marched into Camp
        on Wednesday, 8th August. The task of the Advance Party is never one to be
        envied. Mountains of clothing, bedding and miscellaneous camp equipment are
        dumped on the doorstep of the Unit "Q" Store. Items then have to be sorted,
        checked and assembled preparatory to issue. Great credit is due to the Q.M.,
        his C.Q.M.S., and Io members of the Advance Party for their efficiency and hard
        work in having these issues ready for the Main Body. The success of the Camp
        could well begin with correct "Q" administration at this time.
            The Main Body marched into GREENBANK on Thursday, 9th August. This
        day was spent in Administration and "Q" activity. Platoon Commanders and
        Section Commanders took over their Platoon and Section activities more quickly
        and more efficiently than in previous years. Duty personnel moved smoothly
        into the pattern of Day 1 routine and by evening the Unit was functioning as a
            The importance of pre-camp planning was again demonstrated by the quick
        integration of Administration, Training and "Q".

                                                        MORNING INSPECTION
          * This Page generously donated by THE WYNNUM DRIVING SCHOOL,
              Bay Terrace, Wynnum Central.
        4.   TRAINING
             (i) Second Year Infantry

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